It appears the Monero community is looking for an Android lightwallet. Most cryptocurrencies have some form of mobile wallet their users can enjoy. Monero is one of the few major currencies that don’t have such a light wallet right now. Quite strange, all things considered. Luckily, there is a bounty program for such a project, which rewards around US$1,000 worth of XMR.
It has to be said, the requirements for this lightweight shouldn’t be underestimated. It is not just any Android wallet either. The bounty program wants a Monero light wallet for Android, that much is evident. Interested parties can verify the reward for this project is legitimate through the viewkey method. The Medium post in question outlines how that can be achieved with relative ease. It is good to see such a project come to fruition, as it will improve the Monero ecosystem as a whole.
The Monero Android Lightweight Client Bounty
There are some requirements to take into account, though. After all, every mobile wallet needs to adhere to some rules and expectations. This future Monero project is no different in that regard by any means. It needs to be open source, first and foremost. No one wants to deal with proprietary third-party wallets without a source code to vet. That is just not how things should work in cryptocurrency. Everyone needs to be able to see said code. Additionally, the Android wallet needs to be able to restore wallets from a seed. It is good to see this function in place, as using passwords is far less secure.
Whoever develops the wallet also needs to remember Monero has 2 types of private keys. Both types will need to be accommodated for and stored locally on the Android device. Payment ID will also need to be supported for outgoing transactions. Last but not least, the wallet must rely on a remote node which can’t be hard-coded. There is a script to randomize this process with relative ease, saving the developer some work. It is a big list of features to support, but they all make a lot of sense.
Seeing as how there is a 21 XMR bounty for this wallet right now, finding interested parties may be difficult. A U$1,000 bounty for a mobile XMR wallet seems rather low. The Monero community is free to contribute to this project as they see fit, though. It is not something anyone can develop within a few hours, that much is certain. We can only hope someone takes this offer and starts working on it. An Android wallet for XMR would go a very long way, to say the least.
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