Tag: merge


The Ethereum Shapella Upgrade Occurred; Now What?

April saw the next big Ethereum update take place, and analysts are weighing in on what it can do for the world’s second largest...

Analysts Predict $35K for Bitcoin in Six Months

Following news that both BlackRock and Fidelity have entered the digital currency market, many institutional analysts have predicted that within the next six months,...

The Merge Has Shaken Up the Ethereum Price

The Merge was a big event that everyone thought was going to bring about huge change for Ethereum and all its crypto cousins. The...

The Ethereum Merge Has Allegedly Affected Bitcoin

Bitcoin has gotten quite a few shakeups in the previous weeks largely due to activity from both Ethereum – the second largest digital currency...

The Ethereum Merge Has Lowered Global Energy Consumption

Following the Ethereum Merge which occurred on September 14 of this year, a bonus reward was placed in the pockets of energy and climate...

“Change the Code” Campaign Seeks to Get BTC to Switch to Proof of Stake

Now that Ethereum has completed its Merge and gone from a proof of work (PoW) module to proof of stake (PoS), many environmental groups...

Will Ethereum Outdo Bitcoin? Analysts Weigh In

Now that The Merge is in full swing, is it possible Ethereum could potentially flip bitcoin and become the largest and most powerful digital...

Did Bitcoin Get Caught Up in Hype Surrounding The Merge?

In mid-September, bitcoin – the world’s number one digital currency by market cap – ran above the $22,000 mark for the first time in...

Binance to Remove Fees for Some Ethereum Transactions

Binance – the world’s largest digital currency exchange by daily trading volume – says it’s looking to give crypto fans a break by expanding...

Vitalik Buterin to ETH Clients: It’s Time to Update!

Vitalik Buterin – the co-founder of popular cryptocurrency Ethereum, the second largest digital asset by market cap – has stated that as the beacon...

How Much Energy Will the Ethereum “Merge” Save?

Ethereum – the world’s second largest digital currency by market cap and the number one competitor to bitcoin – allegedly experienced its turn from...

Bitcoin Growth was Outdone By Ethereum in August

Late August saw a huge flip in the digital currency arena. Bitcoin – the world’s largest number one digital currency by market cap –...