We are a development company and we want to build up to 10 houses according to the submitted project. Each house is equipped with a 1500TH/s miner. When working, the miner allocates heat for heating the apartments. Payment for heat is included in the package of utility payments paid by residents of apartments. Thus, part of the cost of electricity for the miners is paid by the future residents of the apartments. In addition, houses are built in district centers, where electricity is of low cost.
Oleg Kirillov
CEO (Chief Executive Officer)Founder of the group of companies SBG. He graduated from the Ivanovo State Architecture and Construction Academy, where he was awarded the qualification of Engineer-builder by specialty “Industrial and Civil Engineering” (DVS 9668366).
Andrew Makeev
CFO (Chief Financial Officer)He graduated from the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation, where he was awarded the qualification of Economist-manager by specialty “Economics and Management at the enterprise” (VSB 0689443).
Serg Nogai
CTO (Chief Technical/Technology Officer)He graduated from the Ivanovo State Architectural and Construction Academy, where he was awarded the qualification of Engineer-builder by specialty “Technologies of construction production” (VGS 4107931).
Ivan Egorov
CBDO (Chief Business Development Officer)He graduated from the Ivanovo State Power University, where he was awarded the qualification of Engineer of electronic engineering by specialty “Industrial Electronics” (BVS 0411358).
Julia Makarova
TLPR (Team Leader of Public Relations)She graduated from the Ivanovo State Power University, specialty “Public Relations”. She has many scientific articles on marketing and advertising. Assesses, analyzes and forecasts those factors that influence the company’s development.
Alexandr Zasypkin
COO (Chief Operating Officer)Organizes the development and implementation of plans for the introduction of new technology and technology, organizational and technical activities, research and development.
Tatyana Arefyeva
Estimator EngineerShe graduated from Ivanovo Architectural and Construction University, specializing in “Construction Economics”. Experienced and competent specialist in design and estimate documentation.
Alexandr Komlev
Project EngineerLeading specialist in the field of construction. He graduated from Ivanovo Architectural and Construction University, the direction “Technology of construction production.
Alexander Shulgin
Leading Specialist in Blockchain technologiesHe graduated from the Northwest Academy of Public Service, where he was awarded the qualification of Teacher-researcher by specialty of “Systems analysis, management and information processing”.