Category : Smart Contracts

To Infinity and Beyond – ConsenSys Buys...

While it may not be their final frontier, ConsenSys has definitely entered into a new era. The blockchain-based company has recently acquired Planetary Resources, a...

Azerbaijan Government to Use Blockchain Technology for...

The Ministry of Justice of Azerbaijan plans to leverage blockchain technology and smart contracts to improve public services. Ministry Focuses on Housing and Utilities Azerbaijan...

Start-Up to Foster Financial Inclusion and Affordable...

The unbanked population in Sub-Saharan Africa could soon find support in the form of DMC, a blockchain-based platform that aims to make the business...

Blockchain Technology Could Be the Future of...

Blockchain continues to make strides in the modern world, and not solely through cryptocurrencies. From art to football, the next stop for the technology...

Australia to Use Blockchain Technology for Disability...

Australia is showing yet again that they are fully embracing blockchain. The country is using the technology to streamline their National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)...

A First for Blockchain – Successful Tokenization...

A blockchain-based auction recently made history as being the first to launch a profitable tokenization of an Andy Warhol painting, raising $1.7 million in the...

Taipei Hospital Introduces Blockchain-based Health Platform

Some healthcare facilities in Taipei have turned to blockchain technology to improve their internal processes in support of the government’s Hierarchical Medical System policy. Medical...

Australia Set to Introduce Its Own Blockchain...

An essential part of any mass adoption strategy is ensuring that the public will have easy access to the technology or service in question. Australia...

Qtum’s New Protocol Will Protect Users With...

Can blockchain technology really change the world? Well, it largely depends on who is asked. Some like Bill Briggs, technology chief at Deloitte Consulting,...

How Payment Bots in Chat Apps and...

We humans love simplicity, accessibility, and convenience in all of our endeavours and the social media, payment platforms and messaging apps have been found...

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