SmartRoulette Review


SmartRoulette is the first of its kind gambling platform built entirely on blockchain technology which is created by the The platform with the unique technology makes it stand miles apart from rest of the cryptocurrency gambling platforms out there.

Industry Trendsetter

SmartRoulette is definitely an industry trendsetter with its unique approach to online gambling. The blockchain based platform makes use of smart contracts to offer the most transparent and the fairest casino games in the industry.

The dividend structure, attractive bonuses and easy user interaction with the platform makes SmartRoulette one of a kind game.

Provably Fair’s state-of-the-art roulette platform makes use of smart contracts to run the whole platform. The most important part of the game, the random number generator is decentralized and provably fair. While these smart contracts eliminate the need for human interference, their source code has been made publicly available by the company for added transparency.

Users can place bets on the platform without worrying about the game being rigged.

Real House Edge

Compared to many other cryptocurrency gambling platforms, SmartRoulette has its house edges set at the lower end of the spectrum. It has a house edge of 2.7 percent which is quite attractive to the players, especially with the assured bonus structure in place for each bet.


Bonuses to Die For

SmartRoulette has a unique bonus structure. Every bet on the platform offers a bonus of up to 3% in RLT tokens. It gets even better as these tokens also act as a share in the platform, offering an opportunity to receive a share in the profits once the total number of RLT tokens held in the wallet crosses 1000.

Also, there is a no deposit bonus offered by the win-win roulette game where a player can avail 200 free spins without making any deposit. The no deposit bonus also provides assured win after completing the spins.

Smart Roulette also offers a first deposit bonus of up to 50%, which is topped up with a 0.001% cash back irrespective of a win or a loss. These bonuses are as good as deposits in the main wallet and don’t come with conditions like in other conventional online casino platforms.



All the gears and wheels on the SmartRoulette platform is driven by smart contracts, which makes it possible to offer instant payouts based on the game outcome. In addition to regular, result based payouts, the roulette platform has another kind of payout in the form of dividends. Players with over 1000 RLT tokens in their wallets receive a share of profits whenever the platform’s end of day balance in the hot wallet exceeds 300 ETH. The excess is distributed proportionally among the eligible members based on their RLT token holding status (should be greater than 1000 RLT).

Payment Methods

SmartRoulette is a cryptocurrency only gambling platform that allows people to place bets in RLT tokens. Players interested in trying their luck on the platform can do so by purchasing the RLT token using BTC, ETH, RUR, and USD.

The RLT tokens also act as a digital share in the platform and holders of the tokens stand to get a share of the profits.

Trust and Security

The blockchain technology is known for being transparent, secure and immutable, which makes SmartRoulette the most trustworthy of all the options available in the market. Almost all the game functions are governed by smart contracts, which combined with its decentralized random number generation algorithm imparts an extra layer of security.

Salient Features

  • Blockchain-based cryptocurrency gambling platform.
  • Provably fair with publicly available smart contracts’ source code, which makes it the most transparent gambling platform till date.
  • Use of RLT tokens, which acts as both in-game currency as well as a share in the platform.
  • Dividend payouts to RLT holders with balance greater than 1000 tokens
  • Bonus option for each bet


Investment Opportunity

The SmartRoulette game makes use of RLT tokens which also acts as shares in the platform. The token holders with a balance exceeding 1000 RLTs are eligible to receive a share of the profit whenever the game’s hot wallet’s balance is greater than a certain amount.

Buying RLT tokens to gain a stake in the SmartRoulette gambling platform presents itself as an attractive investment opportunity where the token holder can continue to gain a share of the profits even without playing regularly


Customer Support

The completely automated SmartRoulette game is easy to use and doesn’t require any human interference at the back end. The answers to most of the common queries can be easily accessed on the website itself. All these factors make customer support redundant. However, anyone who still wishes to interact with the team and get their issues addressed can do so by sending them an email at [email protected].



SmartRoulette is definitely worth trying, and those who try it may not go back to other platforms. It marks the beginning of the new era of blockchain based gaming platforms, and players can expect more such platforms in the near future.