Tag: Cambridge Analytica


Uhive, the New Crypto-Based Social Platform, Makes A Lot of Moolah

New social media platforms are popping up all over the place as of late, and one – Uhive – is powered by cryptocurrency. Uhive Is...

Libra Is Taking on New Form as a Payment Network

Are we about to see some major changes coming to Libra? Libra Is Taking On a Whole New Form The words “changes coming” probably aren’t entirely...

Facebook and Libra’s Code: What Problems Still Exist?

It appears Facebook hasn’t been as upfront with us about Libra as we thought. Is Facebook Hiding Something? The new cryptocurrency is slated to bring crypto...

Facebook Coin Is Garnering Mixed Reactions

Facebook’s new cryptocurrency is the subject of some newfound hate and anger amongst blockchain enthusiasts. Non-Fans of Facebook Coin One of those enthusiasts is Jake Yocom-Piatt,...

Macau Authority Issues Cryptocurrency Warning After Coin Linked to Former Gangster

Authorities in Macau have issued a warning to residents over a cryptocurrency company, backed by a former gangster, regarding possible 'fraud and criminal activities.' A...