Tag: central banks


Bitcoin Might Replace Gold: Nick Szabo

According to popular cryptographer Nick Szabo, Central Banks might resort to cryptocurrency reserves as means of supplementing national gold reserves. The industry expert also...

Former US Senator: Bitcoin Could ‘Alter the World’ and ‘Neuter’ Central Banks

A former governor for New Hampshire and three-term senator has said that bitcoin could 'alter the world' and 'neuter' central banks. In an opinion piece...

Mark Wetjen Joins the Chamber of Digital Commerce

The Chamber of Digital Commerce has announced a new member to the organization's advisory board. Mark Wetjen, head of global policy for the Depository...

After Severe Booms and Busts Central Banks Look to Crypto

According to Bloomberg the Irish-Canadian Governor of the Bank of England (BOE), Mark Carney is onboard with cryptocurrencies. After listening to central bank colleagues...

Janet Yellen and Central Bankers Ponder Bitcoin and Blockchains

The Federal Reserve's Janet Yellen reportedly bolstered financial technology with her colleagues and a group of digital currency and blockchain advocates this past week....

Central Banks Explore the Use of Digital Currency as Legal Tender

Since bitcoin became famous,blockchain has become one of the hottest technology waiting to be adopted across industries. The banking and financial sector are leading...