Tag: crypto miners


Missouri Enforces Bill to Protect Crypto Miners’ Rights

The state of Missouri is in line to become one of the most crypto-friendly in the Union given it’s just passed a string of...

Crypto Miners Have Seen Their Profits Plunge

The crypto winter is really wreaking havoc on crypto miners everywhere. While large scale miners are still doing “ok” in the general scope of...

A Strange Battle Is Occurring in New York: Wine Vs. BTC

Winemakers in upstate New York are not happy that they’re having to share land with bitcoin and cryptocurrency miners. New York Is Seeing Its Winemakers...

Texas Enforces New Rules for Crypto Miners

Crypto miners in Texas must get approval from ERCOT to connect their rigs to the state’s power grid. Texas Requires New Permissions Before Crypto Can...

China Fully Bans Crypto; Takes Its Hate of BTC to the Furthest Reaches

Bitcoin has been handed a major blow today, and again, it’s all thanks to China. As if it’s not bad enough that the country...