Tag: Erik Finman


Erik Finman Provides Crypto to a School in Africa… Through Outer Space

In the past, Live Bitcoin News has reported on Erik Finman, a 20-year-old high school dropout who became a serious bitcoin connoisseur. Now, he’s...

Finman and Hayner of Metal Pay Launch Metal VC

Erik Finman and his business partner Marshall Hayner – the founders of Metal Pay – have invested roughly $1 million into a new venture...

A Comprehensive Look at Erik Finman, the World’s Youngest BTC Millionaire

Bitcoin is a tricky business. You must know when to invest, and more importantly, how much. Investing a little or a lot can make...

Metal: The Ultimate Competition for Bitcoin?

Everybody wants to beat bitcoin. As the main form of crypto in the digital currency marketplace, bitcoin has set the bar very high, and...

This 11-Year-Old Published a Book on Bitcoin for Kids to Understand

An 11-year-old boy has written and published a book on bitcoin in the hopes that it will help younger kids understand the industry. Andrew Courey...

19-Year-Old Bitcoin Millionaire Says: If You Don’t become a Millionaire in 10 Years ‘It’s Your Own Fault’

Bitcoin millionaire Erik Finman has made a bold comment and said that if you're not a millionaire in 10 years 'it's your own fault.' The...

Teenage Bitcoin Millionaire Has Some ‘Crucial’ Advice for Young Investors

Erik Finman knows a thing or two about bitcoin, and now he's offering advice to young people who are interested in investing. At high school...

The Bitcoin Price Will hit $7,000 in Q4 2017 According to Erik Finman

We have seen some wild Bitcoin price predictions over the years. Some people feel the currency will soar, whereas others see it crash to...