Tag: Fork


e-Chat can conduct Ethereum Hardfork after the ICO

Hardforks in the Bitcoin system don’t surprise anyone anymore, but the Ethereum fork, carried out simultaneously with the ICO conducted by the e-Chat team...

BITCOIN Fork – Segwit2X and Exchanges: Ordinary Users Are Deprived of Choice

On December 28th, one of the main hard forks took place in Bitcoin history, Segwit2X, which revealed acute problems in the work of crypto-exchanges,...

Launch of SegWit2x Turns Into one big Joke

As was to be expected, SegWit2x eventually launched. Without much of the fanfare originally associated with it, mind you. A small group of developers...

Will Anyone Care About Bitcoin Gold Come October 25th?

It is evident there is still a lot of debate among Bitcoin supporters regarding the future. With competing scaling solutions, an interesting future lies...

All Forked Up Don’t Know What To DAO

Over the past few days, it has been a wild ride if you are a fan of cryptocurrency. We all know someone or a...