Tag: Mark Carney


Mark Carney: A Global Digital Currency Could Be a Good Thing

Sometimes, cryptocurrency support comes from the most unlikely candidates. This week, that support comes from Mark Carney, the governor of the Bank of England...

David Marcus Defends Libra Against World Leaders

World leaders have shown a strong aversion towards Libra, the new cryptocurrency being developed by Facebook, and sadly, this aversion isn’t lessening anytime soon. Come...

Australia’s Not That Crazy About Libra

Facebook’s Libra currency has provided the fodder for plenty of news as of late, and the data just keeps piling in. Australia's Concerned About Libra Among...

Mark Carney Is Carefully Considering Libra Currency

Bank of England Governor Mark Carney has commented that the institution will be keeping an open mind regarding Facebook’s Libra Coin, but that it...

UK Positioned to Lead the Crypto Economy According to a New Report

A new report revealed that the United Kingdom is very well-positioned to become a leader in the field of blockchain-based technology and the cryptocurrency...

Jon Matonis: Bitcoin Is Not In a Bubble, but the Global Bond and Stock Markets Are

The co-founder of the Bitcoin Foundation has spoken out and said that bitcoin is not in a bubble. Accordingly, that lies with the global...

Report: Cash Remains King in the UK As State-Backed Cryptocurrency Seems Unlikely

Campaigners are fighting for the right to continue using notes and coins in the U.K. to pay for things; however, even though they are...

FSB Chair Carney Says Cryptocurrencies Don’t Pose Risk to Global Financial Stability

The financial watchdog, which regulates the G20 nations, has written a letter to central bank governors and finance ministers, stating that cryptocurrencies don't pose...

Poland’s Central Bank Backs YouTube Video Showing Digital Currency Crash

Poland's central bank has resorted to paying a YouTube star to make a video about a digital currency crash to highlight the risks of...

Bank of England Governor: Bitcoin ‘Has Pretty Much Failed’

The governor of the Bank of England has spoken out against bitcoin arguing that it's neither a store of value or useful to purchase...

Central Bank’s Are Hypnotized By Fintech and Blockchains

On June 17th, the Bank of England (BOE) announced a new initiative with a financial technology accelerator that will partner with fintech firms to...

After Severe Booms and Busts Central Banks Look to Crypto

According to Bloomberg the Irish-Canadian Governor of the Bank of England (BOE), Mark Carney is onboard with cryptocurrencies. After listening to central bank colleagues...