Tag: merchants


Most Square Merchants Contemplate Accepting Bitcoin Payments

Bringing Bitcoin to the masses is always a big challenge. This is mainly because so few merchants are willing to deal with cryptocurrency. A...

Slowly but Surely, The XRP Merchant Directory is Growing

Even though a lot of people have some ill will toward Ripple, the company has done a good job so far. Their XRP asset...

Bitcoin Shows Signs of Maturity But Still Has A Long Way To Go

One thing is virtually impossible to deny: Bitcoin adoption is increasing. In most cases, this only represents a marginal change. But looking at the...

RexBit Drives Bitcoin Adoption in Brazil

What do people do when their traditional economy is going to the dogs? It's simple, they look for an unconventional, but better option. In...

Coinify Acquires Coinzone, Expands Gradually in Europe

Coinify is gradually increasing its foothold in the European bitcoin market. The Danish company has further consolidated its position by acquiring one of the...

CoinBeyond Offers Bitcoin Payment Option to 95,000 Online Stores

Do you like to have your own online store? Do you like to accept bitcoin payments on your online store? Well, you can have...

Bitcoin Payments Sees a Decline – Says Expedia

Bitcoin is seen as an alternative form of online payments by many online merchants. Unlike fiat currency, where the merchant has to go through...

Bitnet Includes Instant Settlement Option for Partnered Merchants

Merchants who accept bitcoin prefer to use a bitcoin payment processor than just use their wallet address to receive funds because it saves them...