
Coinbase Obtains Regulatory Greenlight to Offer Cryptocurrency Custodial Services in New York

The New York State Department of Financial Services (DFS) recently approved Coinbase Custody as a limited purpose trust company. This approval allows the Coinbase...

BitLicense Forces Coinsetter to Introduce Monthly Charges

Bitcoin platforms working out of New York State are going to get costlier. Thanks to the BitLicense introduced earlier this year by the New...

Gemini Bitcoin Exchange Receives NYSDFS Approval

Gemini, the “truly American” bitcoin exchange has finally received clearance from the New York State Department of Financial Services to launch in the State...

Jon Matonis Defends Bitcoin in New Zealand

Jon Matonis, the Founding Director of Bitcoin Foundation has stood up in defence of Bitcoin once again, this time in New Zealand. While on...

Final Version of BitLicense Is Out. Not Many Impressed

Ben Lawsky’s much awaited BitLicense update in finally out. The final version of licensing regulations for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency related businesses, better known...

California Still Undecided about Bitcoin Regulation

The State of California is the home for a lot of start-ups in the United States. True to its start-up spirit, the state had...