Tag: Paul Tudor Jones


Paul Tudor Jones: BTC’s Days as an Inflation Hedge Are Over

The idea that bitcoin was always a hedge against inflation has been rather prominent amongst crypto fans for the past few years. Now, according...

Paul Tudor Jones Lessens His BTC Enthusiasm

Paul Tudor Jones – who at one point was a major bitcoin and crypto fanatic – says he’s beginning to back away from more...

Paul Tudor Jones: Bitcoin Will Explode in the Next Two Decades

Paul Tudor Jones has been a huge bitcoin advocate as of late, but he’s confident that the currency is going to explode in the...

Paul Tudor Jones: Bitcoin Is the Best Tool to Fight Inflation

Bitcoin has been spiking as of late thanks to news that PayPal is permitting users to purchase goods and services with cryptocurrency. However, according...

How Institutional Players Could Easily Push BTC to $50,000

New evidence suggests that if institutional players and mega investors all put at least one percent of their earnings into the world’s leading digital...

Paul Tudor Jones: Bitcoin Will Soon Be a Top Asset

When billionaire investor Paul Tudor Jones revealed just last week that he was investing in bitcoin and that he was confident in its status...