HomeICOAirPod is the new way to relax in the Airports for Transit...

AirPod is the new way to relax in the Airports for Transit Travelers


Imagine falling asleep in the airport while in transit and still getting access to high-speed Wi-Fi as you charge your phone or your laptop; maybe even getting some work done while you wait for your next flight. Well, if you love the sound of that, AirPod (a company seeking to transform the travel and napping industry) is looking to make that happen for you through the development of a sleeping pod that lets you get some shut-eye in the airport in total privacy and comfort.


Where did AirPod come from?

Founded by Grega Mrgole(CEO) and Mihael Meolic(COO), AirPod boasts of a robust team of experts from the technology industry side as well as the marketing side. By creating high demand solution for its niche audience who require comfortable resting alternatives to the airport’s terminal floors or seats, AirPod has plans of building the ‘capsule’ style AirPod that will provide a private location in the airport for passengers to wait inside or work from. The AirPod team plans to use Blockchain and cryptocurrency to achieve funding for the project by launching a pre-sale of its APOD cryptocurrency set to go live in March 2018.


What are AirPod’s features once it’s developed?

Basically, the Air Pod is set to revolutionize the passenger experience especially transit flights. The product is set to be built as a mobile movable set up that can be positioned strategically anywhere in the airport. By using Blockchain technology, AirPod will develop the APOD token that will be used to rend the AIrPods.

Here are a couple of features to be included in the AirPods;

  • Features a working desk.
  • User-friendly design with a single control panel
  • Free and quality access to Wi-Fi
  • Convenient power sockets for charging mobile devices
  • Anti-stress visual and sound experience
  • Self-disinfection LED system to keep the AIrPod clean
  • An alarm clock for your next flight
  • Safe storage for personal belongings



The AirPod is set to offer a comprehensive solution to transit passengers with a range of luxury services that will still be affordable to the passage. Although there is competition for the existing products in the space, AirPod is set to offer distinct advantages that will set it apart including the addition of a private entertainment unit with free Amazon’s Fire TV not to mention and an anti-stress soundproof feature that will revolutionize the customer experience in airports.


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