HomeBitcoin NewsAustrian News Outlet Der Standard Sees a Bright Future for Bitcoin

Austrian News Outlet Der Standard Sees a Bright Future for Bitcoin


Whenever a mainstream media outlet pays attention to Bitcoin, it is often in a negative manner. The article in Austria’s Der Standard isn’t negative, though. In fact, it highlights the momentum of Bitcoin and other digital currencies altogether. It is good to see some positive attention for the Bitcoin price as well. Moreover, Der Standard also mentions how many altcoins are gaining traction, for whichever reason that may be.

Der Standard is a well-known media outlet in Austria. So far, they haven’t paid much positive attention to cryptocurrency by any means. However, now that the Bitcoin price is going up, they have little choice but to mention it in a positive manner. Bitcoin is on a lot of people’s minds for obvious reasons. It is still the largest cryptocurrency in the market and will continue to be for quite some time. Even the launch of Bitcoin Cash didn’t disrupt the price at all. It has been a fun ride so far, that much is evident.

Der Standard Seems Rather Excited About Cryptocurrency

What is remarkable is how Der Standard acknowledges the many altcoins in existence. Although not all of them have any real value, their prices are going up. They mainly focus on Ethereum, Ripple, and Bitcoin Cash. It is a bit odd not to see Litecoin in this list, but the currency shouldn’t be ignored by any means. There are hundreds more altcoins and digital tokens to take into account, though. Very few of them have any real application or use, for the time being.

The article also touches upon the concept of central banks creating their own digital currencies. That is indeed a remarkable trend. Various countries are contemplating this idea, yet no one has taken the plunge yet. Whether or not anyone will ever do so, remains to be seen, though. It makes a lot of sense on paper, but it isn’t necessarily practical. Bank-issued digital currencies are digital cash to complement the existing monetary system. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are something else entirely in this regard.

In the end, the Der Standard article concludes Bitcoin has already “succeeded”. That is quite an interesting statement, to say the least. It is certainly true Bitcoin shows other cryptocurrencies how things need to be done. More and more retailers accept BTC payments as well now. Plus, it is getting easier to obtain BTC thanks to through the many ATMs and OTC services.  Other currencies are still struggling a bit in this regard. The future looks quite interesting for Bitcoin and altcoins, that much is certain.

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JP Buntinx
JP Buntinx
JP is a freelance copywriter and SEO writer who is passionate about various topics. The majority of his work focuses on Bitcoin, blockchain, and financial technology. He is contributing to major news sites all over the world, including NewsBTC, The Merkle, Samsung Insights, and TransferGo.

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