Deepak Tiwari

Deepak Tiwari, a law graduate, has been working as a journalist for six years now. He currently writes on Bitcoin, economic, and Forex related news at ForexMinute, the brand new financial news portal which is making waves among Forex traders around the globe for the innumerable Forex resources it offers for readers, traders and brokers. His other specialties include writing on law & governance, finance, internet marketing, careers, politics, international relations & diplomacy, etc.

US Military Probes Bitcoins

Digital currencies are used in various transactions, from peer to peer transaction to trade and online purchases. Now, bitcoins undergo US military probe as...

Users Can Enjoy No Fees with New...

One of the main features of using bitcoin is that it is more cost effective solution compare to other payment systems. And in integrating...

Psychic, Richard Ravenhawke, now Accepts Bitcoin Payments

Richard Ravenhawke is a world renowned psychic and has very recently taken the decision to accept Bitcoin as a form of payment. Richard has...

Bitcoin Donations now Accepted at Canadian University

Vancouver, Canada - (SFU) has recently announced that it intends to accept Bitcoin donations. The reason for this decision is that two SFU students...

Addressing the Problems Facing Bitcoin

Five decades ago, the thought of all people having computers at home might appear to be unimaginable for some. But with the fast pace...

Major Bitcoin Exchanges: Price of Bitcoin Increases

Bitcoin is now used in various transactions. Using bitcoin offers a lot of potential benefits that cannot be found in any other payment platform....

Bitcoin Trades in Belgium, Not Subject to...

According to the Federal Public Service Finance of Belgium, bitcoin transactions are not subjected to value added tax. The statement newly issued from Belgium’s...

Greenpeace Now Accepts Bitcoin Donations

Eversince its inception, bitcoins have been used in different ways and for different purposes. From personal to business transactions, with its lower transaction costs...

Push for New EU Policy has Bitcoin...

Following efforts that have been underway since July to lobby for greater bitcoin regulation in the US the Bitcoin Foundation eventually brought in Thorsen...

Huge Potential for Bitcoin Business in the...

Asian economies have exhibited huge economic growth along with emergence of bitcoins, potential startups and other investments. Among these countries is a country composed...

Founder of Bitcoin Savings and Trust Ordered...

With the growing popularity of bitcoins, the platform is not only used for online payment and peer to peer transaction. Bitcoins are even now...

Moore’s Law And Why it Can’t be...

In the last few years there have been a number of huge changes in the industry currently involved in the mining of bitcoins. It would...

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