HomeBlockchain InfrastructureAutumn Harvest:TokenDesk Sold out All Tokens on ICO Presale

Autumn Harvest:TokenDesk Sold out All Tokens on ICO Presale


The beginning of October brought us one of possibly the most influential ICOs of the year without even grasping it. It is the TokenDesk initial coin offering attracted over $3 mln worth of cryptocurrency in less than 48 hours during their presale.

A year of millions

This year has no shortage of phenomenally successful ICOs such as Filecoin, Tezos or EOS. Following the examples, TokenDesk (TDS) started its ICO on the 4th of October with the pre-sale reservation campaign. The very first investors had a chance to secure their TDS tokens with an incredible -55% discount.

TokenDesk is going to be the first direct global ICO platform. It combines a variety of features that are not currently available on the market — like a possibility to purchase new ICOs directly using either fiat money or cryptocurrencies. This innovative approach to ICOs will set new benchmark of the market helping to make processes more reliable, secure and predictable for both ICO publishers and investors.

Initiated by market leaders

This project was initiated by a former member of the Lithuanian Parliament, Gintaras Tamosiunas. Being an expert of the blockchain, Gintaras had noticed that current situation in the market is not satisfactory for neither parties. And so – decided to revolutionize it in a way by creating TokenDesk.

Among the team members, there are several successful entrepreneurs such as Tadas Rimdzius, a co-founder of the biggest ticketing platform in the region. Another well-known member of the team is a former mayor of Vilnius, Arturas Zuokas. He shares his knowledge about the potential to implement certain blockchain based solutions to municipal systems to ensure reliable and secure decentralization of information distribution.

World approves TokenDesk

The attracted capital will go towards developing additional functionality of TokenDesk platform as well as to market the product worldwide. A lot of resources are already dedicated to create and maintain the beta version of the platform. It will be launched even before the end of ICO – around the middle of November. The ICO will end just before the Christmas, at 24th of December.

The investments came from all over the world, 127 countries to be precise. It clearly indicate the scope of globalisation and reach of blockchain enthusiasts who are ready to invest in the new generation of ICO platform. An average investment amount was close to $2350 and well exceeded market average on similar projects.

Everyone is an investor

One of the greatest social aspects of this new platform hasn’t been discussed at all. It is a possibility for every single person to become an investor regardless of their background, nationality or financial situation. Anyone from anywhere could invest any amount of money to the ICO they desire.

All this time general public was separated from the “big boy’s games” like IPOs. The blockchain brought and keep bringing equality and opportunities among people who have never even dreamt of such.

TokenDesk platform will enable even more people to contribute to the projects they feel they like. This means – more motivation to learn new things as all the information could be easily applicable to gain benefits. The main difference is that you don’t need to be in the City of London or Wall Street – any village in Ghana will have equal rights in contributing to any ICO as long as there is an internet connection.

The overall change that will be brought by blockchain technology based solutions are immense. In a way, it might just do something that no government was able to – bring good life standards and to eliminate social inequality.

TokenDesk is a promising concept brought by real visionaries. Their ICO is still running so everyone could become a part of this market shifting phenomenon.

They currently sell limited amount of TDS tokens with -30% discount on their ICO Round A.


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