Bitcoin is a Child that Needs to be Nurtured

Three Ways To Get Bitcoins News On Time


Right now, the price of bitcoin stands at around $221, so in other words, there really hasn’t been much of a change since yesterday.  Before I continue on, allow me to reiterate what I’ve said in previous articles… Don’t jump for joy just yet, but have a little celebration in your mind.  Staying the same is a lot better than a further drop.

When I look at bitcoin, I am reminded of how we were as children.  To a degree, we’re rather unstable as kids.  The “grown-ups” in our lives never know what our moods are going to be.  Sometimes we’re up, sometimes we’re down, and sometimes we’re just reserved.

The truly funny thing is that it’s always the little things that really set us off.  For example, when Johnny comes up behind you on the playground and knocks you into the sandbox that would probably make you mad.  Or what if Billy came by and stole your lollipop?  Wouldn’t that make you shed a few tears and go running to your teacher or your mother or whatever authoritative adult was nearby?

Bitcoin seems to operate in a similar fashion.  While large attacks and hackings have proven to have some sort of effect on the digital currency’s price, it is usually the little things that greatly have a say in whether bitcoin remains up or down.  Sometimes these things are so small we don’t even notice them, and I mean that literally… They’re practically non-existent… Invisible, if you will.  We just have no idea what really makes the price go down, or when it’s even going to happen for that matter.

But as bitcoin is like a child, we must nurture it, and teach it, and try to aid it on its path towards adulthood.  We must look at ourselves like the parents of bitcoin, and if we show patience and do our jobs to help it grow strong, we can certainly ensure its future as a strong, healthy (and highly-priced) adult.

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