HomeBitcoin NewsBitcoin Creates Content Surge on Taringa!

Bitcoin Creates Content Surge on Taringa!


The Argentinian social network, Taringa! has registered a rapid surge in the amount of content being created on its platform since it launched the new Taringa! Creadores initiative. Launched on April 21, the Creadores initiative integrates Bitcoin payments to the platform, enabling content creators and users to receive rewards and ad revenues in the form of Bitcoin.

It is a common for content creators to monetize their content on various platforms. People have been doing this for years on YouTube and Blogger. When someone decides to monetize their content, the platform verifies the content and integrates advertisements along with the content. Depending upon the number of views the content gets, and number of times the advertisement is displayed for the users to watch, the platform shares a certain percentage of the ad revenue with the content creator. Until now, the shared revenue was being disbursed in the form of cheques or wire transfer. With more people understanding Bitcoin and the ease of transaction associated with it is gradually making its way into the online advertising sector and many platforms have now stared adopting Bitcoin as one of the options for to share revenues and incentives. Taringa! Creadores is an example for such platform.

Currently in beta version, Taringa! Creadores’ Bitcoin payment feature is limited to 2000 users, and these 2000 slots were filled in no time. According to Taringa!, thousands of users from South America, U.S and Spain requested access to Creadores within 24 hours of its launch. All 2000 users of Taringa! Creadores Bitcoin initiative were assigned Xapo Bitcoin wallets, and their earnings through ad revenue sharing and social value based incentives were sent as Bitcoin to their wallets. Taringa! has also introduced tipping with Bitcoin and daily points, which can be converted to Bitcoin.

Increased incentives, faster pay-outs and reduced transaction fees has encouraged users on Taringa! Creadores to create and post more content. With majority of Taringa! users based out of Argentina and other Latin Americans countries, the Bitcoin initiative can prove to be an effective way to reach out to more people and introduce them to Bitcoin.

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I see, I think and I do... passionate about digital currency, start-ups and social good. I believe that if you mix them right, you can change the world. Find me @gautham_n on twitter or /gautham,nm on facebook

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