Bobby Lee has always been an interesting individual in the world of cryptocurrency. Most people know him these days as the CEO of BTCC, one of China’s largest exchanges. Although CNY trading is still halted, the company is still looking into improvising the service. As a result, Lee issued some interesting thoughts on Bitcoin Cash and SegWit2x. Support for both seems to be imminent, although it may take a while before anything happens.
Bobby Lee doesn’t shy away from sharing some controversial thoughts. Perhaps the most interesting concept is how there may be support for Bitcoin Cash on BTCC in the future. Up until now, that seemed like an unlikely outcome. It is important to note this pertains to mining BCH on the BTCC Pool. When this will happen, remains to be determined. No official date has been announced at this point.
Bobby Lee Goes All-in on SegWit2x
Additionally, Bobby Lee is a big fan of the new mining difficulty adjustment algorithm. The EDA has been causing a lot of issues as of late. A change had to happen sooner or later. With a hard fork activating in less than two weeks, things look promising for BCH. It is good to see some honest opinions on these topics without hidden agendas involved. Then again, Bitcoin Cash still has a lot of issues to solve in terms of usability.
SegWit2x is also a big topic of discussion these days. Bobby Lee provided some interesting thoughts on this front as well. He is a big fan of the “upgraded blockchain” and hopes to utilize it as the main chain in the future. That particular view will not necessarily be appreciated by most people. The 1x chain is still the main chain and will continue to be for some time. Then again SegWit2x will cause some drama during the first few days. An interesting future lies ahead in this regard, to say the least.
Last but not least, it seems the BTCC pool will undergo some changes. Right now, they mine the main Bitcoin blockchain. However, one comment hints at how the switch will happen to SegWit2x later on. There will be no support for mining both chains, but that isn’t entirely unexpected. There will be two camps, but one of them will be proven wrong in the end. The big question is which camp that will be.
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