HomeBitcoin NewsCoinmarketcap Will not Rename Bitcoin Cash to BCash, nor Should They

Coinmarketcap Will not Rename Bitcoin Cash to BCash, nor Should They


It is evident there is still some bad blood among cryptocurrency supports. Diehard Bitcoin users want to petition Coinmarketcap to change the name to BCash. This is not to the liking of the community, nor the company itself either. In fact, they have no intention of changing Bitcoin Cash to BCash. There is no official change verifiable on an official resource related to this particular token. An interesting stance, to say the least.

It is unclear why this war against Bitcoin Cash is taking place. The altcoin has established itself and will not go away. It is not Bitcoin, that much is clear. Some parties may advertise it otherwise, but that is their prerogative. Coinmarketcap shouldn’t be involved in these discussions whatsoever. In fact, they won’t change this name anyway as the coin itself isn’t renaming to BCash either.

More Unnecessary Debates Regarding the Bitcoin Cash Name

We can only hope shenanigans like these come to end sooner rather than later. There is no point in this childish behavior whatsoever. It serves no purpose and it only creates more arguments neither side needs right now. Bitcoin Cash will always be known under the current name and there is no reason to change it. Unless the community would do it themselves, of course, but that seems highly unlikely at this point in time.

It didn’t take long for this tweet to get some negative feedback. More specifically,  people are eager to point out how anyone could fork Bitcoin, give it the same name, and get it listed as Bitcoin on the platform. Such arguments make very little sense, as there is no connection to this “debacle” whatsoever. There are quite a few other currencies with Bitcoin in the name as well. No one asks to see those renamed, which only confirms the bias toward BCH. It is a pointless and senseless debate altogether.

Rest assured this discussion is far from over. A lot of people are upset over this use of the Bitcoin name. If BCH wasn’t a top altcoin, very few people would mind, by the look of things. After all, they aren’t complaining about Bitcoin Plus, BitcoinDark, et cetera. None of those currencies matter either. Bitcoin Cash is a different creature as it remains one of the top altcoins. This is somewhat of a “threat” to Bitcoin, even though both currencies are very different. It’s good to see Coinmarketcap respond in such a professional manner.

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JP Buntinx
JP Buntinx
JP is a freelance copywriter and SEO writer who is passionate about various topics. The majority of his work focuses on Bitcoin, blockchain, and financial technology. He is contributing to major news sites all over the world, including NewsBTC, The Merkle, Samsung Insights, and TransferGo.

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