HomeSponsoredCREDIT 2.0 and Other Developments Makes CRBIT a Profitable Investment

CREDIT 2.0 and Other Developments Makes CRBIT a Profitable Investment


Ever since Bitcoin was introduced, a lot of cryptocurrencies have come and gone. The ones that have continued to be valuable are those that are solving various real-world problems. CreditBit is one such cryptocurrency platform which has risen to new heights in the past one year.

The development of CreditBit ecosystem capable of offering a range of blockchain-based solutions is a result of the relentless team effort. CreditBit recently introduced a major upgrade in the form of CREDIT 2.0, creating a holistic cryptocurrency ecosystem capable of handling smart contracts, DAOs, Decentralized applications and more.

The latest developments have proven that CreditBit means business. It has, in turn, increased the cryptocurrency community’s confidence in the platform, leading to greater adoption. The increasing adoption of CreditBit has influenced the price of its native cryptocurrency Creditbit (CRBIT), which can be readily observed in the price trends. Upon launch, CRBIT had a slow first year, where the price was stagnant at around $0.01. But as a result of constant development and upgrades to the platform, CRBIT has broken the earlier price barrier in 2017.

The price of CRBIT has been increasing since the beginning of this year. At present, CRBIT price is hovering around $1.25, resulting in the cryptocurrency’s total market capitalization of over $14.5 million with 12.5 million CRBIT tokens in circulation.

CRBIT on new CREDIT 2.0 ecosystem is built over Ethereum blockchain, making it a standardized and secure cryptocurrency. At the same time, it also enables CREDIT 2.0 to offer a variety of features including CreditDAO, Proof of Trust, CreditGAME, CreditIDENTITY, CreditBAY and others.

CREDIT 2.0 is part of CreditBit’s second development roadmap. The platform which started with the initial aim of offering a much faster and efficient mode of transaction than Bitcoin is now heading towards becoming a blockchain applications platform.  

As the CreditBit team continues to work on adding new features to the platform, the demand for CRBIT tokens is expected to further increase in the near future. Early investors in the platform stand to gain a lot as the price increases, which makes investing in CreditBit at this time a great earning opportunity.


JP Buntinx
JP Buntinx
JP is a freelance copywriter and SEO writer who is passionate about various topics. The majority of his work focuses on Bitcoin, blockchain, and financial technology. He is contributing to major news sites all over the world, including NewsBTC, The Merkle, Samsung Insights, and TransferGo.

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