HomeBitcoin NewsCryptocurrency Enthusiasts can Benefit From Free Technical Analysis Course on Coursera

Cryptocurrency Enthusiasts can Benefit From Free Technical Analysis Course on Coursera


A lot of people have an interesting in trading cryptocurrencies. Finding the right tools or course to get acquainted with this concept is not easy. Coursera is one of the world’s leading educational platforms in this regard. They now have a course which lets students get acquainted with technical analysis predictions. Although it applies to the stock market, the knowledge can be ported over to cryptocurrencies without too many issues.

The correlations between cryptocurrency and traditional financial markets are easy to spot. This is especially true when looking for specific patterns or indicators to determine future prices. Technical analysis has become a very commonly used method in the world of cryptocurrency. For most novice users, it feels like finding a needle in a haystack when it comes to obtaining the right information. A new course on Coursera may prove to be extremely valuable in this regard.

Coursera’s Course Teaches Technical Analysis Basics

More specifically, the Coursera course is offered by the Georgia Institute of Technology. For a limited time, the course will be free of charge. It starts in February of 2018 and takes 8-12 hours per week to complete successfully. During these lectures, users will get acquainted with performing technical analysis for the stock market. Additionally, they will learn to interpret charts correctly and even predict prices. It is an incredibly valuable tool which has many benefits for cryptocurrency enthusiasts as well.

It is certainly true technical analysis also has its limitations. Patterns and predictions will only work if and when enough people believe in it. Otherwise, the next char you see may effectively be thrown in the bin where it belongs. Predicting future market movements is not impossible, but it’s not a perfect science either. Any prediction can be deemed inaccurate when markets are rather volatile. In the world of cryptocurrency, volatility is a second nature first and foremost. Even so, having a basic knowledge of technical analysis can prove to be useful.

Even though this is a free course, it seems to touch upon the basic principles quite well. In-depth knowledge will have to be obtained through other means, though. Anyone looking to venture into the world o cryptocurrency technical analysis may want to pay attention to this Coursera offering. It is free of charge, after all, and it’s certainly worth checking out. Whether or not it will prove to be really useful, is a different matter altogether.  Cryptocurrency will always remain unpredictable and no technical analysis will change that.

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JP Buntinx
JP Buntinx
JP is a freelance copywriter and SEO writer who is passionate about various topics. The majority of his work focuses on Bitcoin, blockchain, and financial technology. He is contributing to major news sites all over the world, including NewsBTC, The Merkle, Samsung Insights, and TransferGo.

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