HomeBitcoin GamesDragon's Tale -- Tales Within a Tale

Dragon’s Tale — Tales Within a Tale


Peppers is what makes the beetles go crazy. Onions will make the beetles slower! Dynasty fire is like a slot machine game. Super simple. There are 8 different dynasties: shun, ming, liao, song, tang, jin, han, and qin.

If you haven’t been spending enough time on Dragon’s Tale Game by eGenesis, well.. these words might just sound esoteric to you. On the other hand, if you have been investing your time into Dragon’s Tale Game’s 3D world, well.. these words might just strike a sweet memory spot in your mind. In any case, worry not, as we at LiveBitcoinNews are about to reveal the anatomy of this 3D game world for you.

We have often spoken about Dragon’s Tale in the past. Unlike typical casino games, Dragon’s Tale brings in a new perspective to online gaming and online gambling by creating persistent 3D world. Take our word for it or not – you could always visit the Dragon’s Tale Wiki page to stay updated about the umpteen games that the brilliant team at eGenesis ceaselessly create.

We have listed few games that are available inside Dragon’s tale to give an idea about various small games available inside the platform.


1 Soldier Statues These give real bitcoin gifts. A great place to get you started in this 3D world.  
2 Drinks Thirsty, have a drink. Watch out, you might just find some Bitcoins in your drink.  
3 Herbs These are not the kind you smoke, still you need to have a license (Level 3) to pick it up If you are not yet in Level 3, you can always claim finders fee by directing others to its location. Just scream “herb’ out loud and stay on watch.  
4 Haystacks Find the proverbial needle in the haystack, or maybe a stick in the haystack Found a haystack? Select it, declare what you wish to find and dive in. You can earn some bitcoins if you find what you were looking for.  
5 Cows Man vs Cow Try to push the cow over, if it stumbles or falls over, you stand a chance to earn bitcoins  
6 Fishing Use your fishing skills or count on your luck to catch some fishes Bitcoin you earn depends on the catch, hone your fishing skills and go fish!  

Players can inteact with most of the objects inside the game and each object has something to offer. We highly urge you to try the game out and share your views and experience about it

READ MORE: Dragon’s Tale — a Truly Epic Bitcoin Game!




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