Well digital world is not only revolutionising the real world but also disproving the conventional wisdom! As is evident in Dragons.tl’s game Berry Farming.
Dragons.tl, the famous MMORPG casino platform places players in a virtual island which is filled with hidden treasures. Dragons.tl is different from its Las Vegas inspired counterparts as it replaces the standard slot machines and card tables with a world of “blue skies, trees, plains, water, bars, castles and a lot of avatars running around.”
Dragons.tl offers a host of unique games and one of them is Berry farming. Berry farming is popular with gamers because it enables players to win a large “portion of their initial wager over and over without having to bet again.”
Berry Farming, as the name suggests, is a game about berries, where what each berry will pay can be found out by clicking on the avatar and can be used accordingly to bet and earn.
No need to wait for long periods of time in this game as the plants grow rapidly here. Within seconds the plant will sprout and pop up, growing up and further yielding either a berry or a seed(s) in no time.
The players then collect the berries nd get paid the amount the berries are worth. Don’t be disappointed if you get a seed instead of the berry. The seeds can be replanted to win more once the seed matures the second time and finally yields a berry. The entire process can be carried out again in case it yields seeds even the second time.
Once the plant is harvested, it can indefinitely keep on yielding profits based on the number of times it has already given berries. For example, if the plant has already given berries once then the second time it will give out 4 instead of 1, third time it will give out 9 and so on.
To know more about it, do go through this link.