HomeBitcoin NewsECommPay Integrates Bitcoin Payments through GoCoin

ECommPay Integrates Bitcoin Payments through GoCoin


ECommPay, one of the leading international payment services providers is trying to keep up with the changing financial scenario across the world. With bitcoin and its underlying blockchain technology taking the fintech sector by storm, ECommPay is now on its way to embrace bitcoin by including bitcoin transaction support for their customers.

ECommPay has entered into partnership with GoCoin, an international digital currency payment gateway to allow its clients to accept bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. With the inclusion of digital currency payments, ECommPay expects its clients to have an increased turnover and satisfaction with the availability of almost all the payment tools currently being used across the world.

The ease of use associated with bitcoin has made it one of the simplest payment methods out there. Users just have to download a bitcoin wallet, which can be installed on their computer or they can opt for a third party online wallet service as well. Once they have the wallet, they can exchange fiat currency for bitcoin in one of the many bitcoin exchanges out there and use those bitcoins from their wallet to pay for goods and services.

Bitcoin is a decentralized global digital currency which can be used by anyone across the world. The transaction charges associated with bitcoin is generally negligible compared to that of fiat currencies. All these factors have resulted in bitcoin gradually becoming one of the favored method of payments. By partnering with GoCoin, ECommPay has ensured that it is not left behind once the bitcoin transactions pick up on a large scale.

According to ECommPay, the company has been monitoring the developments in bitcoin sphere and they have recognized various benefits presented by decentralized payment systems like bitcoin and the company intends to offer these unique benefits to their clients by working with their partners.


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