There is an interesting debate taking place on Twitter as of right now. Erik Voorhees seemingly no longer wants to be associated with Bitcoin Cash. More specifically, he claims Roger Ver references to Voorhees to back up the claim of how Bitcoin Cash is the real Bitcoin. A very interesting turn of events, although a debate that won’t end anytime soon.
Putting people’s Tweets into the proper context will always be a challenge. Many moons ago, it became clear some Bitcoin supporters would create their own currency through a hard fork. At that time, Erik Voorhees made it clear he would support a hard fork. However, that statement never pertained to Bitcoin Cash specifically. It is this point of confusion which has now turned into a rather big debate.
Erik Voorhees on Hard Forks and BCH
According to Voorhees, Roger Ver is “misconstruing his statement to imply support of Bitcoin Cash”. Whether or not that is effectively the case, is a different matter altogether. It is evident Ver and Voorhees have been mentioned in the same breath when it comes to supporting Bitcoin Cash. However, it is now evident a fair few things may have been pulled out of content in the process.
Roger – please stop referencing me to back up your opinion that Bitcoin Cash is Bitcoin. It isn't. Bitcoin is the chain originating from the genesis block with the highest accumulated proof of work. The Bitcoin Cash fork failed to gain majority, thus it is not Bitcoin.
— Erik Voorhees (@ErikVoorhees) April 27, 2018
This does not mean Erik Voorhees doesn’t see merit in Bitcoin Cash. He only confirms it is not Bitcoin, and due to its minority status, likely never will be. Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin have been two separate projects from day one and should still be treated as such. Why anyone would do something different remains a big mystery to most of the cryptocurrency community. Bitcoin still is the only chain originating from the genesis block with the most hashpower, thus it appears to be the “real thing” by default.
One could argue this senseless debate has gone on for far too long already. Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash can peacefully coexist, yet no one seems intent on taking this approach. While that is not necessarily a bad thing, all of the drama surrounding these currencies is getting rather ridiculous. The position of Erik Voorhees on this situation is rather clear now. Whether or not other industry “leaders” will make their position clear once and for all, remains to be seen.
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