HomeSponsoredGameCredits Bittrex Review: How to Use and Buy?

GameCredits Bittrex Review: How to Use and Buy?


Cryptocurrency GAME (GameCredits — the full title) was launched in 2014. The team’s main purpose is to deliver a universal blockchain solution for international payments in the global online gaming industry. However, what is unusual as well as interesting is the fact that GAME is funded by the investors and not a public tokensale. This means that the GAME cryptocurrency is trusted and recognized by the global investors, who are into new and prospective startups.

That is the main reason why GAME cryptocoins were accepted by the global international exchange platform Bittrex. Currently (04.12.2018) the price of GameCredits on Bittrex chart pair BTC/GAME is 0.00001821 BTC or $0.07 on USD/GAME.

How to buy GameCredits crypto on Bittrex?

At first, you need to register and verify your account on Bittrex to start any operations with GAME crypto. The process of registration is simple. You should understand the options of interface:

  • Wallets — for checking balances, depositing and withdrawing GAME coins;
  • Orders – information about trade requests;
  • Settings – account settings that you may change;
  • Help – technical assistance from the 24/7 Customer Support;

The identity verification procedure begins in the “Settings” section, where you need to select the Basic Verification or Two-Step Authentication (additional SMS verification by phone).

To purchase any currency, including GAME coins, you need to go to the “Markets” section, select a currency pair and scroll down the page to the Order Book section. It contains information on purchase orders for GAME and automatic exchange to any other cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum.

The transaction can be concluded at the market price instantly or an order can be placed, in which case, you will need to wait for another user to accept your offer.

To create a purchase order, click on the “Buy” button at the top of the section and specify the number of GAME coins you need in the Quantity field. You can also enter the amount you are willing to pay in the Bid Price field. Below will be total number — this is the cost of your exchange transaction, including commission fee. When all the fields are filled, click on the Buy GAME button below.

GAME cryptocoins are sold in the same way, but at the top of the Order Book section, you must select Sell instead of Buy. All fields are filled in the same way, then at the bottom, you need to click Sell GAME.

What is the commission fee of Bittrex for GameCredits users?

Bittrex trading platform has a very simple system of commission fees. All trading transactions will give you 0.25% of the sum. If you create and cancel an order that did not have time to execute (for buying or exchanging GAME coins), commissions are not charged to you.

There is no commission for sending money to your account on Bittrex and it is one of the important advantages of the website. For withdrawals of GAME coins, the percentage of fee depends on network’s traffic. The commission fee does not exceed the standard limit provided by Bittrex platform.

How to deposit and withdraw GameCredits on Bittrex?

To start trading GameCredits on Bittrex you need to add money to your account by selecting the “Wallets” section on the toolbar. Here you’ll find all wallets for trading available cryptocurrencies including GAME. Each line has red and green buttons for withdrawing and depositing money on your account respectively.

To make a deposit, select the appropriate coin and press the green button with the arrow. A window will appear on the screen to generate the address of the wallet to which the tokens should be transferred. Be careful not to confuse the coins. For example, if you choose Bitcoin address, and transfer GAME to the specified account, you will simply lose your money. So, it is better not to rush.

GAME cryptocurrency on Bittrex is withdrawn in a similar way, but you need to click on the red button against the currency. In the open window, specify the amount and address of your GameCredits wallet for transfer.

By the way, if you are interested in free giveaways of MGO tokens that are provided by the same team who delivered to you GAME cryptocurrency, you may join the airdrop of MobileGO.

During the upcoming airdrop event, everyone may receive MGO tokens free. To achieve this, a user must follow all social media channels of MobileGO. Then it’s necessary to retweet the news related to the eSports and GShare Beta launch. Those users doing that will get 1 MGO by default.

To get one more MGO, a user must install GShare on their PC. Then the user must earn at least 1 GShare Gold via this application.

Are you planning to receive more MGO tokens? Participate in one eSports tournament with GShare Gold you got after installing and using GShare. A huge bonus is available for 100 early birds who successfully fulfill all 3 mentioned tasks — they will get an additional 3 MGO tokens!

Also, 10 users with the highest GShare Gold balance in the app GShare will get 5 MGO additionally. The airdrop rules are applicable only for the first 10,000 users. Hurry up to join this unprecedented event.

The offer is very limited. Check the details on the official pages of MGO airdrop — visit airdrop and



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