HomeSponsoredIssues With the Lottery Industry and How Does GG World Fix Them

Issues With the Lottery Industry and How Does GG World Fix Them


Lottery tickets have raked in a grand total of $273 billion in sales back in 2017. This goes to show how massive the industry is. And despite being as immense as it is, it’s in critical need of improvement. There are plenty of issues currently riddling the industry and GG World is on a mission to have them handled. Here’s how.

It’s Getting Old

Legacy lotteries, as they are right now, attract a massive amount of sales. However, they’re also outdated.

A lot of them require players to purchase tickets in actual, brick and mortar kiosks. That’s not what millennials adore. Most of the legacy lotteries are also not user-friendly. This is another red flag for millennials. They like to use their mobile devices, a lot. In fact, they are increasingly reliant on them and they use it for various activities, including to participate in lotteries.

Understanding that it has to have its eyes firmly set on the future, GG World tackles the above issues while still learning from the past.

GG World Lotteries are mobile friendly, online, perfectly responsive and user-friendly. They can be accessed through any device, as long as it’s connected to the internet.

This allows the project to capture a much larger audience.

It’s Definitely Not Personal

Have you ever felt any kind of attachment to the company behind the lottery? Of course not. Chances are that you don’t even know which one is it.

And how can it be otherwise?

It seems that the only thing legacy lotteries actually stand for is money. That’s not how people like to feel.

In order to show appreciation to each and every one of its token holders, GG World Lottery has devised a unique and user-friendly dividend scheme. Token holders are entitled to a lifetime revenue share based on every jackpot ever won. This means that everytime the jackpot is won, all the token holders will be rewarded as well.

It Invokes Uncertainty

The lottery industry, throughout its entirety, doesn’t invoke the security that players are looking for.

There is a defined lack of transparency and mounting concerns that regard the actual randomness of lottery draws and company audits.

A lot of the existing lotteries are using pseudo-random number generators. These are oftentimes audited by authorities which are questionable, to say the least.

GG World Lottery tackles these issues as well.

First, the project is being closely monitored by one of the world-class gaming certification businesses. The Gaming Laboratories International makes sure that the entire project is legitimate and it follows the necessary regulatory requirements.

In addition, this is the very first project which uses a True Random Number Generator on the blockchain. The TRNG itself guarantees the randomness of the draws based on the quantum physics principles for true randomness in the world. The blockchain, on the other hand, guarantees the transparency and immutability.

With more than $5.6 million already raised, the project already has its MVP developed and begins executing its plan directly.

You can read more about the GG World Lottery project and participate in its STO on its official website.

Should you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask away in the project’s Telegram channel.

What do you think of GG World Lottery? Don’t hesitate to let us know in the comments below!



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