How I’ve Grown with Bitcoin

What Is a Bitcoin Wallet and How It Helps In Safekeeping This Cryptocurrency

What Is a Bitcoin Wallet and How It Helps In Safekeeping This Cryptocurrency

If someone had told me 10 years ago, or five years ago, or even three years ago that I would someday be making my living writing about a currency that exists only in binary code, I would have called the nearest asylum to have them committed.

I am talking of course about bitcoin, the largest cryptocurrency that has so many digital enthusiasts going nuts.  Two years ago I was not even aware of its existence.  I had no idea that such a thing could be created.  Money in binary code?  How is that even possible?  And yet here it is, and here I am, sitting at my desk in my office as I write this.

And what’s particularly interesting about my career in writing is not just the fact that I have been introduced to bitcoin and all its “cousins” (i.e. dogecoin, litecoin, darkcoin, etc.), but that I have grown into an active user.

I earned my first bitcoin writing job simply because I needed just that… A job… As time went by, more opportunities to write about bitcoin became evident, and I suddenly realized, “If I’m going to continue to write about bitcoin and tell others about it, I need to actually live it.

I have since created my account with Coinbase.  I have traded bitcoins for US dollars, I have gone through the exchange process and I can tell you with the utmost confidence that not only is bitcoin easy to use and stress free (so long as there’s not a hacking), it’s extremely convenient and necessary for the financial future of the world.

Our society has grown too accustomed to relying on credit to get things rolling.  For many who don’t have the credit necessary to live, something like bitcoin can easily eliminate many of the “middleman problems” we see with traditional banking institutions and similar establishments.  Bitcoin can grant them the opportunity to survive and perform for themselves.

If you haven’t already, give bitcoin a chance… At the very least you’ll have some fun doing it.

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