HomeBitcoin NewsJihan Wu Claims Bitcoin Cash is "Very Satoshi Nakamoto"

Jihan Wu Claims Bitcoin Cash is “Very Satoshi Nakamoto”


It has been a while since people last poked fun at Jihan Wu’s tweeting habits. Ever since annoying the majority of Bitcoin users, he has been pretty quiet. One of is a recent tweet revolves around Bitcoin Cash. He confirms how this altcoin is “super Satoshi Nakamoto”. Not a comment that will get him a lot of fans. Jihan Wu has always had some unusual opinions, to say the very least.

There are quite a few differences between Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash. More specifically, opinions regarding both currencies are all over the place. Bitcoin Cash supporters claim it is the real vision of Satoshi Nakamoto. Jihan Wu is one of those people, although he isn’t necessarily correct. The tweet he sent out earlier today confirms this “pump effort” once again. So far, Bitcoin Cash has failed to make any significant impact in the cryptocurrency world.

Jihan Wu Keeps Tweeting Weird Things

That situation will not change soon either. With the blocks being virtually empty more often than not, the 8MB increase is nearly pointless. It is more profitable to mine BCH now and then, but that is about it. People sell these coins in favor of Bitcoin, in the end, thus it serves no real purpose. Claiming how BCH is “super Satoshi Nakamoto” seems to be well out of line. It does have low fees and the speed is decent. That is, assuming the network has enough mining support and not hours between blocks.

People will always debate how Satoshi envisioned the future of Bitcoin. A block capacity increase was undoubtedly a big part of it. The opinions still differ on how to achieve that goal. SegWit does just fine on the Bitcoin network right now. It is doubtful the B2x fork will change that situation. Once the Lightning Network launches, most of these problems will become non-issues pretty quickly. It is unclear when that will effectively happen, though. A lot of work has yet to be done in this regard.

One Twitter user made a rather interesting comment against Jihan Wu. He claims how Bitcoin Cash is a “cheap Chinese knockoff”. Not entirely incorrect, as BCH is mainly supported by Chinese pools right now. Jihan Wu is one of the main supporters with his company as well. Everyone else seems to ignore this altcoin, for obvious reasons. Rest assured there will be plenty more debate regarding the future of Bitcoin.

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JP Buntinx
JP Buntinx
JP is a freelance copywriter and SEO writer who is passionate about various topics. The majority of his work focuses on Bitcoin, blockchain, and financial technology. He is contributing to major news sites all over the world, including NewsBTC, The Merkle, Samsung Insights, and TransferGo.

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