HomeBitcoin NewsJordan Belfort Calls Bitcoin a Huge Scam

Jordan Belfort Calls Bitcoin a Huge Scam


It is no secret a lot of people don’t like Bitcoin. Some go even as far as making some very ludicrous claims in this regard. Jordan Belfort is a well-known figure in the world of finance. Most people refer to him as the original Wolf of Wall Street. Unfortunately, Belfort isn’t the biggest Bitcoin fan whatsoever. in A recent statement, he claims the world’s leading cryptocurrency is a major scam.

Jordan Belfort has a bit of a colored past when it comes to the world of finance. More specifically, he ran a stock manipulation scheme which cost a lot of people good money. This was also the inspiration for the Wolf of Wall Street movie later on. It isn’t entirely surprising to see him claim how Bitcoin is a huge scam. More specifically, it’s not something to be controlled by dodgy operations and institutions. There is a good amount of manipulation going on in the Bitcoin world, though.

A Strange Remark by Jordan Belfort

Similar to other people, Jordan Belfort thinks the BTC price will eventually collapse. When and how that would happen, remains undetermined. This new recent price spike certainly proves a lot of naysayers wrong time and time again. It is certainly true the current Bitcoin price is heavily inflated. To most people with common sense, it is a bubble waiting to burst. At the same time, there has never been a financial instrument like Bitcoin. Anything is possible in the world of cryptocurrency.

Whether or not Jordan Belfort will be correct in the end, remains to be seen. Someone known for manipulating stocks isn’t necessarily in the best position to talk about Bitcoin. For all we know, his comment is all about pushing the BTC price down for personal gains. Then again, he also shares the opinion of a lot of financial moguls. They can all be either right or wrong in the end, though. Bitcoin is a very curious creature in every way one could imagine.

How all of this will play out in the coming months, remains to be determined. At the same time, it is evident all cryptocurrencies are going as more time progresses. Jordan Belfort is certainly entitled to his own opinion in this regard. That doesn’t mean anyone will agree with him, though. People have been warned about Bitcoin before and all it did was make them miss out on this massive investment opportunity The ship hasn’t sailed yet, but getting on board has become a lot more expensive.

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JP Buntinx
JP Buntinx
JP is a freelance copywriter and SEO writer who is passionate about various topics. The majority of his work focuses on Bitcoin, blockchain, and financial technology. He is contributing to major news sites all over the world, including NewsBTC, The Merkle, Samsung Insights, and TransferGo.

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