HomeBitcoin NewsNew OpenBazaar Version Officially Supports Bitcoin Cash and ZCash

New OpenBazaar Version Officially Supports Bitcoin Cash and ZCash


A new version of OpenBazaar has been released by the developers. Version 2.1.0 introduces a lot of interesting and positive changes. The protocol now supports Bitcoin Cash and ZCash payment integration. Although ZCash is still in beta, by the look of things, this is a welcome change. Users can also create new nodes for processing these new payment options on their own behalf.

We knew OpenBazaar would support additional currencies in a future release. It has taken the team some time to get everything in order, though. Most users prefer a working solution rather than something thrown together haphazardly. Adding new payment options is a big step forward for this decentralized marketplace. Solutions can fund their wallets through ShapeShift, but native support is also possible for Bitcoin Cash and ZCash as of now. This brings the total number of supported payment options to three.

Big Changes for OpenBazaar

That may still seem little, but it’s a big improvement for OpenBazaar. Even though Bitcoin’s network is back to normal, congestion arises quite regularly. To avoid such issues, it becomes necessary to support alternative cryptocurrencies as well. It seems there will be more currency support in the future, but nothing has been confirmed officially. For now, Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash,  and ZCash are the supported options.

As part of the new update, users can run a native node for using one cryptocurrency at a time. Additionally, switching between currencies can be done with a few mouse clicks accordingly. There’s also a built-in option to block content from specific nodes, which can prove to be quite useful for platform users. Furthermore, OpenBazaar now has a built-in warning system about potential scams. A critical function for this decentralized marketplace protocol.

As is the case with any software update, various bugs have been fixed. Searches on OpenBazaar can now be completed through checkboxes in the filters. Al cryptocurrencies also have native QR code support, which is pretty significant. The entire list of updates can be found in the team’s recent blog post. It is quite an improvement compared to previous versions of OpenBazaar. Rest assured future versions will have even more improvements and currencies to support.

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JP Buntinx
JP Buntinx
JP is a freelance copywriter and SEO writer who is passionate about various topics. The majority of his work focuses on Bitcoin, blockchain, and financial technology. He is contributing to major news sites all over the world, including NewsBTC, The Merkle, Samsung Insights, and TransferGo.

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