Category : FinTech

CFTC Introduces Guideline for Smart Contracts

A key component of blockchain technology, smart contracts, have caught the eye of LabCFTC, which have subsequently released a guideline for them. Disruptive technology can...

Abu Dhabi Executes World’s First Sharia-Compliant Bond...

Disruptive technology has once again paved the way for a "world first" in the form of the execution of a Sharia-compliant Islamic bond in...

IMF’s Christine Lagarde Encourages Banks to Explore...

The Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Christine Lagarde, recently expressed her positive views on the creation of virtual currencies issued by central...

Industry Experts in Detroit Discuss Crypto Adoption...

A recent event held in the U.S. city of Detroit shows that many industry professionals believe in the power of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology...

X8 AG Headed for the Middle East...

Swiss financial technology company X8 AG has garnered certification from Islamic scholars for its cryptocurrency. The firm says it’s planning to extend its business...

Spain’s BBVA Bank, Red Electrica Settle $170...

In a world first, the Spanish bank has executed a €150 million ($170 million) syndicated loan deal with Red Electrica Corporation using the firm’s...

And They Say Crypto is Criminal! Investors...

Mega investing firms like BlackRock Inc and Allianz SE’s Pacific Investment Management Co. are suing 16 major financial establishments over allegations that the banks...

Security Token Offerings (STO) Platform iSTOX Receives...

Singapore Stock Exchange and the government-owned Temasek have invested in a blockchain platform that will connect investors with firms offering security tokens. ICHX Tech Secures...

HSBC Facilitates India’s First Blockchain Trade Finance...

HSBC recently facilitated India’s first blockchain trade finance transaction. This development reinforces the narrative that despite the negative stance towards cryptocurrency in India, there...

Platform Develops Global Regulations and Gains Support...

Global Digital Finance (GDF) has partnered with a range of well-known platforms in the crypto industry to create, and encourage the adoption of, a...

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