HomeBitcoin NewsObsidian Achieves Milestone Towards Secure Anonymous Messaging

Obsidian Achieves Milestone Towards Secure Anonymous Messaging


Information security has become a very crucial aspect of the global socio-political ecosystem. This is why platforms like Obsidian that offer secure messaging which ensure privacy of communication are growing in popularity.

Existing systems are not secure

The porosity of  traditional messaging platforms is exemplified by the email scandal of former US secretary of state and presidential aspirant Hillary Clinton whose erstwhile confidential email messages were hacked by unauthorised third parties. Another major instance of the vulnerability of existing systems involves the ongoing allegations of President Donald Trump’s leaked communications with Russia ahead of the November 2016 election.

Governments spying into the communications of their citizens with the excuse of terrorism and other security issues leaves the public with a lot more to desire about their own privacy.

The promise of a new order

The emergence of the blockchain and cryptographically secure currency appears to be changing the dynamics and returning control into the hands of the people.

Having met its minimum crowdsale target, the Obsidian platform is all set to disrupt the way we communicate, ensuring that messages become unhackable.

While there are precedents in the field of private messaging, Obsidian is using its dynamic platform to offer a drastic change in the way messaging is handled.

Obsidian’s decentralized platform lets users easily skirt access restrictions (say from censors) and also offers a perfect forward secrecy which ensures that there is no chance for messages to be ever retrieved by other parties from the back end (these are deleted, whilst only cached on the frontend).


It goes beyond just cryptography

Blockchain platforms like Obsidian are not the only cryptography-based messaging platforms. Several other platforms in this category come close to delivering a secure system. However, certain loopholes like centralization and lack of code transparency leaves much to be desired.

For example, Signal requires a phone number and Google services, Telegram uses insufficient encryption methods, Threema does not have self-destructing messages and WhatsApp saves meta-data (It’s also tied to Facebook ownership which can be interpreted as a whole separate issue).

Obsidian offers the positive attributes of all of these apps without compromising privacy and functionality in any manner whatsoever.

It’s not shocking most companies have not turned to blockchain-based messaging as the decentralized nature simply does not coincide with their need for monetization and control.

Blockchain-based messaging platforms uphold the impression of a tool for emancipation. Not only for reasons of secure messaging and privacy of communication, but the ability to integrate commerce/payments into messaging comes as an extra incentive for the public who will embrace the opportunity offered by blockchain technology as a deserved endowment of freedom.












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