Port Aventura, a world resort, is currently developing software that will allow its customers to pay for rooms and other vacation-related expenses with digital currencies. Presently, the company boasts several theme parks in Europe along with six hotels that contain approximately 2,300 total rooms.
Port Aventura Gives a Greenlight to BTC Payments
The software is set to be released in early 2022 and will be installed in every hotel hosted by Port Aventura. From there, the customers who wish to utilize crypto for their stays may do so, though in the beginning, the resort company is only set to accept bitcoin payments.
The company has long had a goal to digitize itself and market its services to the growing crypto crowd. Managing director of Port Aventura David Garcia Blancas explained in an interview:
The push for initiatives such as this one allows us to become aligned with the latest trends and satisfy the needs of our guests; factors that are essential to strengthen our position as a leading company and innovator in the entertainment industry. At Port Aventura World, we are deeply immersed in a process of digital acceleration with the aim of improving the experience of our visitors and continuing to promote new and innovative ways of entertainment.
The move comes at a time when bitcoin appears to be cementing itself as a primary staple currency of travel. Not long ago, Live Bitcoin News reported that bitcoin and digital currencies were becoming more widely used for vacation and travel expenses. The news featured interviews with men like Troy Wiipongwii of the William & Mary Blockchain Lab, who claimed that in recently catching a flight from Newark, New Jersey to Toronto, Canada, the airline in question would allow a payment in bitcoin.
He stated:
This process isn’t much different than paying with a credit or debit card. When you log in, you have a wallet, and you can make a purchase from the wallet.
As is the case in any situation, there are both pros and cons that come with using bitcoin and other digital currencies for travel purposes. One of the good things is that travelers are not required to pay any foreign exchange fees. These can be particularly high – especially when one is visiting overseas.
Using Crypto for Travel – the Good and the Bad
However, travelers and vacations are cautioned (as usual) when using digital currencies given that they are volatile and subject to rapid and unexpected price changes. In addition, one who uses crypto to pay for items cannot gain access to the same consumer protections as those who pay with credit cards or cash.
For example, if something goes wrong while paying with a Visa or Mastercard, you have an opportunity to dispute the charge. While paying with crypto, the transaction is final whether things went correctly or not.