HomeSponsoredPrivatix: The First Internet Bandwidth Marketplace

Privatix: The First Internet Bandwidth Marketplace


For some time now, government restriction on the internet has been in some ways a Chinese story. However, Internet censorship has surged exponentially across the world taking away anything it can get its hands on. Autonomous regions too are not spared. The need for censoring the internet is determined solely by the population probability of falling into civil unrest. This is why VPN services have become essential tools for anyone to have at their disposal. Since the creation of the concept of decentralization and fully autonomous networks on the blockchain, the way we avoid government firewalls and use VPN services is going to change.

Privatix, the cryptocurrency technology powered distributed bandwidth solution provider, currently holding a token sale since October 19, 2017, is the one to bring this change to masses. The platform provides decentralized and fully autonomous peer-to-peer VPN network on the blockchain, along with advanced internet bandwidth marketplace powered by its own crypto-economy.

You may wonder why the Privatix developers opted to decentralize its operations. Well, to get the answer first you might find the fault in centralized VPN services. Having a VPN connection rejected is by far the most common problem used by VPN users. And, being experts in centralized VPN services, the Privatix teams know a bit too much about it.

There are a number of issues that may cause a connection to be rejected, and the solutions too vary. The solutions are mostly found through search engine results which are at times complicated to the ordinary user. Under the Privatix platform, the user has a number of agents to use, meaning if this doesn’t connect, don’t stress yourself over it, just switch to another agent.

On the other hand, let’s say you successfully connect to the VPN service. Given the nature of the work done by VPN services, they are accustomed to charging high prices in exchange for their services.  The safety of the data of their clients is given a price, the log-keeping policies are made up of false statements, clients are overcharged using unclear billing policies, and the incredible margin is siphoned off into marketing and advertising. The Privatix platform is designed to provide an exceptional cyber security experience, with a user-friendly, free VPN service at the Privatix web portal, which is accessible to anyone anywhere.

Privatix eliminates the requirement of technical experience to use the VPN service and monetization of unused bandwidth. This platform will bring the world a step closer to ending internet censorship and change the VPN market while increasing Internet speeds using a shared broadband network. Privatix is the first internet bandwidth marketplace powered by its own cryptocurrency under the Ethereum network.

Learn more about the platform and the ongoing crowdsale at –


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