Most citizens of the United States do not hold any bitcoin or cryptocurrency holdings in their retirement accounts, according to Kingdom Trust CEO Ryan Radloff.
Radloff: People Aren’t Holding Enough BTC
The idea of holding crypto in one’s 401K, IRA or other retirement account is a bit shaky. While companies – like Bitcoin IRA – exist to help people do just that, it doesn’t look like a lot of people are taking advantage of the situation. For the most part, this could be attributed to one of two things – lack of knowledge or fear of volatility.
While bitcoin and crypto knowledge appears to expand on a regular basis, things are far from where they need to be. Several people do not have the information or data needed to ensure they keep up with the times. Crypto is ultimately the future of finance, and if people aren’t prepared for that now, they likely won’t know what to do when these assets become more mainstream in the coming years.
The second reason may have to do with the fact that bitcoin and other digital assets are still very vulnerable to price swings, and most people are too afraid to deal with that, especially when the money they’re set to use during their “golden years” is put at stake. When one is retired, they’ve likely hit an age when they cannot work anymore and must live off what they’ve made during their time in the workforce.
This money is usually tight and designed to be utilized for important things like medical visits and additional care. If that money vanishes or dissipates in some way, they face harsh financial risks, and it can be argued that many aren’t willing to take unnecessary risks with the money they’ll live off in their old ages.
However, Radloff is convinced that these individuals are missing out on a solid opportunity to garner additional funds. He explained in an interview:
If you also look at people’s investible, discretionary money, they usually have three to four times more investible discretionary money in their retirement accounts than they do in their non-retirement accounts.
Missing Out on a Solid Opportunity
He believes that bitcoin is a solid investment tool for most Americans and other individuals that hold retirement funds. BTC, like all other retirement assets, is designed for long-term investing, and he further stated:
When I say this is the biggest opportunity for bitcoin, especially in this kind of stock-to-flow model that we look at, I’m looking at 7.1 million bitcoiners that have three times more investible money in their retirement accounts that aren’t using their retirement accounts to HODL (or hold bitcoin as an investment on a long-term basis).
His words come at a time when bitcoin has shot beyond the $9,600 mark, the highest its been in several weeks.