Tag: OTC


Crypto OTC Trading Volumes Soar with Regulatory Clarity

OTC cryptocurrency trading volumes are up 220% year on year. The US election leads to increased risk-taking and activity. The remarkable growth in over-the-counter,...

Circle Raises Minimum Purchase Threshold as OTC Bitcoin Trading Popularity Surges

Investing in Bitcoin has become a lot more appealing as of late. For some users, they simply buy from exchanges, whereas others rely on...

UK-Based OTC Broker Tickmill Enables Bitcoin Support

Bringing Bitcoin to the masses remains a monumental task. Interest in the world's leading cryptocurrency is on the rise, though. Especially now that the...

BitKan Suspends Bitcoin OTC Trading due to Regulatory Pressure Related to ICO ban

The game is afoot in China, that much is evident. More specifically, there are rumors regarding  a crackdown on Bitcoin trading services. Although there...

OKCoin Will Halt OTC Trading Come April 10th

It appears even more changes are coming to the way Chinese bitcoin exchanges handle cryptocurrency trading. To be more specific, China's OKCOin has announced...

Europe Is In Dire Need Of Bitcoin OTC Buying Options

Buying Bitcoin remains a major struggle for consumers all over the world. Unlike what people may think, not everyone looks forward to register and...

Why Bitcoin Price Remains Significantly Undervalued: OTC Market

The price of Bitcoin recovered relatively quickly after the security breach at Bitfinex settled, bouncing back to around US$630. The rapidly surging price of...