Tag: whatsapp


New WhatsApp/ Novi Wallet Pilot Program Available in America

WhatsApp has launched a new cryptocurrency-based pilot that will allow a select number of people in America to send and receive crypto funds to...

Facebook’s New Crypto Will Be Used On WhatsApp

New data suggests that Facebook is building its own form of crypto that customers can use on WhatsApp. While news of a potential Facebook-created...

Pump and Dump Bitcoin Stock Scam Over WhatsApp

Bitcoin has been one of the preferred digital currency for hackers and other cybercriminals. The main reason being the pseudonymity associated with bitcoin transactions...

War against Encryption Brews in UK, Worries Bitcoin Companies

While the United Kingdom is on its way to becoming a police state, Bitcoin and digital currency based companies have started exploring other alternatives....

SendChat Allows You to Do More than Just Chat

The smartphone applications market is flooded with hundreds of messaging applications. Some of the well-known being WhatsApp, Line, WeChat and Telegram. These social messaging...