HomePress ReleaseTokia pays for storing cryptocapital while you sleep

Tokia pays for storing cryptocapital while you sleep


Bitcoin, Ethereum or a large number of different cryptocurrencies are increasing in value rapidly. For most of the investors involved in trading cryptocoins one strategy seem to particularly suit their expectations. The strategy is simply buy & hold. Due to the wild capital gain it is fairly wise to simply sit on your gold egg while watching the price go north.

However, what if there is a safe way to make even more capital while doing nothing?

Good old interest

Doing nothing might be too good to be true while in this case, you will still need to click a few buttons. Tokia – a new cryptocurrency exchange that also offers secure and reliably multiblockchain wallet for your cryptocoins, came up with the idea that will be beneficial to many.

While the mentioned strategy of buying and keeping your assets is great, when we see the growth of value it delivers, there is one more way to make extra money on top. That is – by lending it.

Tokia will offer a possibility to employ your capital by lending it to other participants of the exchange. There is variety of reasons why people would borrow some extra coins, however, the majority of them would do that for margin trading purposes.

What happens when you lend the money, you may ask. It is all simple – the platform will distribute the fund that are agreed to be lent by a user to the other users who express the need to borrow. All this is automated, there will be no need to communicate between the users or otherwise involve you in any sort of uncertainty. All funds will be safely managed by the Tokia exchange.

The rate of interests paid to the user will depend on the period they dedicated funds for lending. The longer you lend the bigger percentage of the interest you get.

Free money to spend

While your capital will always be safe and sound on Tokia exchange platform, the benefits you get from keeping it there are eye-popping.

„One of the most important advantages of the whole concept is for users to get additional money on their capital as well as the tool to spend it. That would be the Tokia debit card which is directly linked with any of the cryptocurrency account on your blockchain wallet.“– according to Anna Lunhu, the CEO of Tokia.

The interest will be paid to your account automatically after the period of lending ends. It will enable you to have your capital intact from any of your desires for buying new things of travelling. All that will be covered by the interest you get on the cryptocoins.  As simple as that.

More benefits from Tokia

The benefits mentioned above are just a few examples of what Tokia is bringing to the blockchain world. There will be a possibility to exchange the tokens and cryptocurrencies to FIAT money absolutely free.

Another great option is to have the cold storage on demand feature where each user could decide how much do they want to keep in safer environment and how much to keep for active trading. There also be a premium feature that will allow to bring back the necessary amount of capital from the cold storage in seconds. This is great for unplanned investment opportunities or any other financial planning options.

Tokia starts their ICO

On the first round the early investors will get -47% discount on the limited token edition. It is a great chance to become a part of the revolutionary blockchain adaptation to everyday life. This project will change how we perceive all cryptocurrencies and the scope of their utilization.

Investors, who contribute to Tokia by purchasing more than 1000 tokens, will be able to exchange ten-fold of the capital for free.  This will guarantee that if you like trading and exchanging your crypto coins this will eliminate the cost of the conversion.

To all contributors who get 3000 tokens or more Tokia will deliver their debit card for free. It is something to look forward to as it is clear that such innovation will revolutionize the blockchain world as we know it today.

The market hard-cap for the pre-sale is only 10 million Tokia tokens.

Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin will be the cryptocurrencies accepted during ICO.

More importantly, Visa and Master Card will also be accepted for buying Tokia tokens.

Tokia ICO pre-sale campaign starts on the 4th of December. Information about even more impressive benefits for Tokia token holders, visit the ICO page.




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