HomePress ReleaseTokpie – a P2P Crypto Exchange Combines the Benefits of Existing Similar...

Tokpie – a P2P Crypto Exchange Combines the Benefits of Existing Similar Platforms


April 10, 2018 – The rising popularity of cryptocurrencies, combined with the increasing number of crypto users and traders has created a need for an exchange that provides the highest levels of privacy and safety while enabling transparent trading of crypto assets at minimal commissions. Each passing day, the need for such solution continues to rise.

In addition, an excellent support backed by positive feedback, is another highly-demanded feature by the users in crypto exchanges. To serve all these purposes, and combining the advantages and removing the drawbacks of all existing P2P crypto exchanges of today, Tokpie comes into play.

About Tokpie

TOKPIE is a unique P2P Cryptocurrency-Fiat and Swap Exchange designed to help people all over the world to buy and sell any crypto-assets at transparent prices nominated in any local fiat or digital (coins, altcoins, tokens) currencies, using any payment method. The transactions on TOKPIE are easy, safe and FREE of charge.

By encapsulating various locations, currency pairs (crypto/fiat and crypto/crypto), and payment methods into unique tradeable instruments, TOKPIE supports peer-to-peer real-time auctions, price charting gears, price alerts and many other sophisticated tools, which cannot be provided by traditional P2P crypto exchanges.

The Core Features of Tokpie

  • Fair prices, Transparency and efficiency

Tokpie’s concept of encapsulating main trading parameters such as country, base cryptocurrency, quote currency (fiat or coins or tokens) and method of payment into unique tradeable instruments gives users exclusive all-in-one tools for successful and profitable peer-to-peer trading. The basic tools include real-time auctions organized in order books, price charting, price alerts and notifications, watch list, top 10 movers, top 10 markets, and spread analysis for instant arbitrage trading.


  • Enhanced Security & privacy

Unlike other exchanges, Tokpie acts as a guarantor, holding users’ crypto-assets in multi-signature hardware storage, and then makes deposits to buyers’ accounts upon payment confirmation. It enjoys higher security due to a range of measures to protect users’ crypto-assets and privacy, including SSL/TLS encryption, cold storage for crypto assets, multi-signature wallets and 2FA authentication. In addition, it implements ID verification to comply with KYC and AML policies.

  • Gamification-based Customer Service

Tokpie offers an elevated level of customer service by using gamification principles to engage support staff and experienced users. Based on the Zendesk community support tools, a rewards system will offer additional earnings, personal recognition, and status based on metrics including customer satisfaction, case volumes, average resolution times and volume and quality of knowledge articles created.

  • Highly Economical & Scalable

At Tokpie, the fees, nominated in TOKPIE tokens (TKP), will be ZERO forever for most users and only high-volume traders (over $100,000 per month) and corporate users will pay fees, which in all cases will remain low and competitive. The platform is highly scalable due to the usage of tools like Exchange Spread Analysis tool which shows opportunities for all types of traders arising between TOKPIE’s instruments and other exchange. In addition, P2P loans, Dark Pool Order Books, B2B Order Books, ready-to-use infrastructure for 3rd parties token sales and ability to get features of Crypto Indexes, Crypto Index Funds, Crypto Futures and Crypto Options., is an added benefit.

To know more about the platform and explore its features to start trading over it, please visit https://tokpie.io/



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