The FinTech Industry is witnessing its brightest and darkest times with market cap of crypto assets booming over $165 billion and the rise of ICO culture as a means to launch projects using the power, security anonymity, which is offered by blockchain. We see teams launching ITOs every other day for every other idea attempting to capitalize on this ever-growing culture of tokensales.
Startups have already raised over $1.3 Billion in ITOs as of July 2017. With great power comes great responsibility and rightly so. Unfortunately, you don’t have to look to far to realize how anonymity and security offered by blockchain and it’s power can be used to benefit on an investors expense, or used by investors to escape legal compliance. This allows people to exploit the power of blockchain for personal gain completely disregarding legal boundaries.
It’s not surprising to see governments and organizations attempting to ban this unregulated, incomprehensible ICO culture. We believe the answer isn’t completely banning such a platform for legitimate business to come out of the dust and be the disruption they promise to be or lead the world to an unregulated token sale chaos.
We at Blocksale are looking to bridge the gap of compliance and set industry standards as one of the first Anti Money Laundering/Know Your Customer (AML/KYC) token sale buying portal. We intend to sort legitimate, potent tokensales and accredited investors from a sea of fraudulent, self-interest driven organizations and individuals.
We intend to nurture and support legitimate projects and connect them with accredited investors and create a forum that seamlessly promotes legit ICOs with all necessary compliance and regulatory frameworks in place protecting investors and visionaries alike.
BOK will provide an efficient platform for accredited investors looking to acquire new ITOs through fiat or crypto purchases giving them access to numerous validated and vetted ITOs at pre sale levels.
With Blocksale we’ve set out to establish industry standards for pre-sales within the crypto-asset ecosystem. We have set out to be the first exclusive AML/KYC pre-sale portals for accredited investors by setting the industry standard for Token Sales by building a large international customer base that will be investing only in vetted and approved ICOs. We look to compliment, nurture and support both legitimate upcoming ICOs ensuring regulatory compliance and following strict industry standards and more importantly connecting them to accredited investors. On the flip side this protects the investments of these accredited investors ensuring compliant and safe investments while allowing these investors to benefit from promising new tokensales.
There is an obvious need for such a service in a market where tokensales are being launched every other day each promising to disrupt the target market. We serve both investors and companies looking to utilize the versatile far reaching power of Blockchain.
With new ICOs coming up on a daily basis it is hard to keep up with the best and most legitimate ICOs and we at BOK believe it could be better handled by a dispassionate AI tech to aid in forecasting of ICOs. BOK will incorporate Machine learning, supervised and unsupervised learning modules developed to specifically analyze all ITOs; past, present and future, to learn and identify the best among a multitude of options.
By correlating crypto economic and geopolitical data from historical ITOs the AI technology will forecast the potential success of each individual offering. Arming BOK members with these tools provides them with the information they need to make informed decisions within the cryptocurrency space. A fundamental mission of the BOK platform is to help individuals navigate the space of crypto currency and aid in a more streamlined approach to getting involved in the space at the ground level.
We at BOK believe in empowering our users with such tools to judge and make informed decisions on the basis of rigorous analysis done by our AI. Our goal is to deliver a service that stays true in its decentralized nature and empowers every individual rather than being driven like a centralized system at the very fundamental level of ITO investing.
The BOK portal will come equipped with an independent, customized and secured multi-sig Ethereum based client wallet. This BOK wallet will only be generated upon the creation of a unique BOK portal account, which means BOKWallet can only be used by approved BOK clients through the portal.
BDES, The decentralized escrow service that BOK is creating will help in privacy for communications between accredited investors and ICOs. This will also aid the portal in achieving extra security and safety for all transactions. After every transaction conducted through the Decentralized Escrow Service, there will be a vote given to both parties to rate the transaction. The rating will be reflected on the accredited investors unique decentralized identity smart contract.
BOKChat will effectively be a messaging DApp platform integrated within the Blocksale network portal for investors and ICOs to communicate securely and efficiently without attempting to contact each other through other means.
Based on the voting reputability of the ENS domain for a given accredited investor, an ICO will be able to see the score for them in the decentralized chat app.
Utilizing the security and power of Swarm protocols we intend to refine the entire ecosystem of this ever growing and disruptive crowdfunding method of cryptocurrency and to provide our prestigious community the capacity to invest before BOK token is released to the open market through an ICO. Our AI tech will provide unbiased and technical insight into the complexities of this space necessary for its users to make informed decisions
Blocksale is the tool that empowers the community with a tool to safely undertake token sales and securely invest in them while ensuring all regulatory compliances are followed without running the risk of a failed investment or being a part of an illegal or illegitimate fundraising.