To revolutionize the traveling and napping industry, AirPod — a blockchain-enabled platform, based on the innovative concept of installing unique, private, capsule-style units at public places where people can rest, sleep, work or enjoy privacy, has announced its plans to launch an ICO soon. The public ICO going to offer up to 200,000,000 APOD Tokens at the price of $0.10 per token, has already started to gain massive attention from the blockchain community because of the novel idea and exclusive bonus structure for the investors. Here we present the top 3 reasons to invest in AirPod’s APOD tokens.
About APOD Tokens
The APOD token is the platform’s native currency distributed among AirPod project and the customers, to develop an internal economy. By using APOD tokens, customers can rent pods with impressive discounts while companies will be motivated to get APOD tokens for their frequent flyers. The APOD tokens will be sold via two stages, pre-sale & the crowdsale, starting next month, with a soft cap of $2.7 million and hard cap set at $20 million. APOD tokens can be bought with Ethereum. The minimum investment amount is 1 ETH and the maximum is 300 ETH.
Reasons to Invest in AirPod’s APOD Tokens
- Opportunity to Participate in Sponsorship Program
The AirPod’s Sponsorship Program will start once 400 AirPod units are installed. The token holders will be able to exchange tokens to get their share in the profit generated by the project. Users will use platform’s own web app called DAPP to access the program, which offers the token holders an opportunity to have a token conversion with the sponsorship program.
The users will be able to analyze the AirPods free of charge and decide which one should they choose. The price of a Sponsorship Program is adjusted in accordance with its projected financial performance where initial price algorithm is set by the AirPod Team. In case of multiple interested parties for a particular AirPod, the highest bid will be considered.
Tokens are the key to participate in Sponsorship program and reward percentage payouts.
- Opportunity to Be an AirPod’s Partner
During the “Placement on Demand” stage of the project, users will get the opportunity to propose new location for AirPod unit installation and become a project partner.
The platform will allow potential location submitters who will be owners or leaseholders for a specific location to submit their proposal over the network. The submitter registers on the platform, after providing personal and required location information, applicable permits, and all other cost information, like rent, electricity and internet costs.
Upon approval of the request by the AirPod, a smart contract with be developed, with APOD tokens as the payout currency. The monthly rent pays outs (in APOD tokens) can be sold on exchange or converted to FIAT via the ERC20 credit card provider or additionally used to make investments in a new AirPod location.
- Unstable Crypto Market Doesn’t Affect APOD Tokens
To keep the APOD tokens successful in future, the AirPod team is focused on driving a sustainable economy. With the increasing usage and distribution of APOD, the ecosystem will grow, enhance its value and bring long-term rewards for the sponsorship program participants and token holders.
Hence, AirPod ensures your profit’s safety irrespective of the crypto market condition, while the growing travel community expects to enhance the token value further in future.
To know more about the platform and its upcoming pre-sale and crowdsale, please visit