HomeAltcoin NewsUsing Your Mining Rig, Which Crypto Coin Should You Mine This 2019?

Using Your Mining Rig, Which Crypto Coin Should You Mine This 2019?


Do you want to start mining Crypto Coins this year? Or have you already been mining for sometime now? Either way, you should know the course of this Crypto Coins trade in order for you to make profits.

It’s clear that Crypto Coin mining is one of the most taken routes in order to make profits in this field. These days though, in order for you to be able to jump into the mix, you would at least need an Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) miner.

The problem is that for normal people who mine using their CPUs and GPUs, the introduction of these ASIC miners gave them a hard time to compete, as these machines are exponentially more powerful in mining Crypto Coins in comparison.

But don’t despair, for normal CPU and GPU miners, there’s a solution, we all just have to mine for Crypto Coins that use a different algorithm.

If you’re mining using your CPU, you would get the most profit if you would pick Crypto Coins that work on the Cryptonight Cryptocurrency Algorithm:

  • Monero

Released in April of 2014, Monero is an open-source project, and its main tenets revolve around ‘fungibility’, privacy, and decentralization.

  • Dogecoin

Dogecoin prominently depicts the famous internet meme Doge, a Shiba Inu dog, as seen on the Crypto Coin’s logo. It was introduced on the 6th of December, 2013 as a “Joke Currency”, but is now a legit Crypto Coin valued at 60 million USD.

  • Zcash

Zcash is a Crypto Coin that has focus primarily on using Cryptography in order to enhance user’s privacy.

And if you’re mining using a GPU, here are the Crypto Coins you should be mining for healthy profits: 

  • Bitcoin Gold

Launched in November 12, 2017, Bitcoin Gold’s main focus is to disallow ASIC miners and give chance to normal CPU and GPU miners.

  • Zencash

Zencash is also an open-source Crypto Coin that works on Blockchain technology to provide privacy and anonymity to its users.

  • Zclassic

Zelassie is a fork of ZCash and runs on the same underpinnings, the only difference is that rewards are 20% less, but that said, it’s still going to be a good choice as not too many people are mining it.


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