HomeBitcoin Community DebatesVERITAS Announces ICO to Create Decentralised Journalism Platform; Goes Live Dec 6

VERITAS Announces ICO to Create Decentralised Journalism Platform; Goes Live Dec 6


Veritas has announced the launch of its crowdsale initiative for a new decentralised journalism platform. It is going live on December 6th 2016, 0000 UTC.

The Switzerland-based project, which will distribute 100 million native tokens during the one month-long ICO, plans to overcome the shortcomings of existing media censorship issues with the raised sum. Veritas has harnessed the blockchain’s everlasting features to eliminate media hegemony over journalists’ contents. By doing so, it plans to transfer control back to the community in managing and distributing content and rewards.

Veritas, according to its developers, will be an open-source project. Its roadmap will prioritise contents’ decentralisation and encryption over other tasks. Once the said developments are achieved, Veritas will structure a viable and automated payment infrastructure, using which rewards for content and its validation will be distributed fairly and flawlessly.

“Out of 100 million coins,” Veritas added, “10 million coins are going to be used as a reward to our local member of the team and external people that wish to help; while 40 million coins will be locked for 1 year (the estimated time of development) and are going to be distributed as the reward in the next years with a maximum of 4 million per year.”

The rest of the funds will be used to pay validators and writers.

An Attractive Investment Opportunity for Crypto-Enthusiasts

Media censorship is a growing issue all across the world. The government’s growing control over content in past had suppressed people and their freedoms of speech. Especially in countries like China, North Korea and Russia, where authoritarian governments treat themselves as law lords, individual ideologies are still being undermined — sometimes with transgressing threats, or legal persecutions.

Veritas emerges as the first-ever possible solution to protect freedom of expression, similar to Bitcoin which proved itself as a solution to government’s heavily centralised and poor economic policies. What unites both the aforementioned ideologies is a technology — the blockchain.

It would be fair to add that Veritas project has promises for a permanent solution for effective information distribution. And being a part of it would not only prove beneficial in terms of investments, but will also help raise voice against systems whereby media reports must be cleared officially before it can be released.

Veritas is sure that their project will appeal masses that comprise of readers, politicians, lawmakers, and — last but not the least — journalists.

For more information on Veritas and their ICO, please visit http://www.veritasplatform.net/


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