HomeBitcoin NewsViaBTC Proposes Firing Core Devs By Hard Forking Bitcoin

ViaBTC Proposes Firing Core Devs By Hard Forking Bitcoin


An intriguing proposal has been posted on Twitter by none other than the ViaBTC mining pool. Although it is doubtful this statement should be taken seriously, the mining pools feels bitcoin needs to be hard forked and Bitcoin Unlimited is the only proper solution to do so.Moreover, the pool feels the Bitcoin Core developers do not care about the overall community. All things considered, a very odd statement in general, and one that will spark quite a few new debates among cryptocurrency enthusiasts.

Bitcoin Unlimited May Not Be The Hard Fork You Seek

It is evident Bitcoin Unlimited supporters are not afraid of issuing some weird statements. Saying how the Bitcoin Core developers do not care about the community seems to be taking things a step too far, though. Voting to hard fork bitcoin with BU is a very strange proposal, even though it is only a proposal voiced by one of the few mining pools supporting this project right now.

Rather than trying to hard fork Bitcoin and cause irreparable damage, the better option would be to persuade people not to use Bitcoin Core. That battle has proven to be somewhat challenging for Unlimited supporters, as Core remains the preferred solution for most mining pools, service providers, and other companies active in the world of cryptocurrency. Splitting the network in two would not be the best course of action by any means.

That being said, it is evident the Bitcoin protocol will need to improve if the next level of adoption is to be achieved any time soon. A hard fork for the right reasons is certainly worth considering in this regard, but it is not a means to create civil unrest among cryptocurrency supporters. Fixing transaction format issues and increasing the block size can be done at the same time, rather than be deemed mutually exclusive.

The bigger hurdle is getting the network to follow this unusual proposal posted by ViaBTC. Although the number of BU blocks mined on the network has been increasing as of late, neither Unlimited nor Core have the majority they need. Instead, the vast majority of mining pools and miners are not showing a preference for either solution, which highlights a much bigger problem overall. A lot of people just don’t seem to care, which mean sit will take longer to address some of these lingering issues plaguing Bitcoin.

Proposals like these ultimately serve no purpose, and they only make things worse over time. Issuing statements like how developers should be “fired” just because someone doesn’t agree with their course of action is not constructive at all. It is evident Core and Unlimited do not see eye to eye on a few topics, but this hostility has gone on for far too long.

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JP Buntinx
JP Buntinx
JP is a freelance copywriter and SEO writer who is passionate about various topics. The majority of his work focuses on Bitcoin, blockchain, and financial technology. He is contributing to major news sites all over the world, including NewsBTC, The Merkle, Samsung Insights, and TransferGo.

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