Cryptocurrency is a digital currency based on Blockchain technology. All transacted Cryptocurrency data are encrypted by using cryptography. Cryptocurrency data are stored in millions of PCs across the globe. If a PC with Cryptocurrency data is hacked then those data can be recovered using other active nodes in the Blockchain. Cryptocurrency transactions are peer-to-peer without interference of any intermediary. All Cryptocurrency transactions can be seen in public ledger but participant’s identity always remains unknown. The security and privacy makes Cryptocurrencies worth having. This is the future of all currencies. As early the people of world adopt Cryptocurrencies that much benefit can be reaped.
The people of world have seen the power of Cryptocurrency Bitcoin. The people who invested 100 USD in 2010 have become billionaire in year 2017. They had taken just one right decision. As the price of Bitcoin has skyrocketed, it may not be accessible for everyone. Other ways are, look towards alternate Cryptocurrencies. Initially it may look as a risk. It was the case for Bitcoin also, at that time. One should take only a calculated risk when it is a matter of speculation. A good investment judgement depends on personal skill of gathering data and careful following of terms & conditions. Judge first and then calculate the amount of risk associated.
As far as Cryptocurrency HexCash is concerned, it has minimal risks associated together with large benefits. The risk associated is already covered by the HexCash platform itself. HexCash platform offers buyback scheme of the tokens after three months of the launch. And, that buyback is on a double price. It is good news for the Cryptocurrency enthusiasts. The only hurdle in between can be the law of the land you belong. Before jumping in the buying spree of HexCash, investors should consult their legal advisors.