HomeAltcoin NewsWindows 10 Store has a Litecoin Mining App no one Should use

Windows 10 Store has a Litecoin Mining App no one Should use


It is quite interesting to see the new Litecoin mining application appear in the Windows Store. Although it remains to be seen if this is a legitimate application, the time is rather odd. Mining Litecoin with a regular computer makes no sense right now unless you own multiple graphics cards. Additionally, it is still possible this application is pure malware, although that has yet to be determined.

Similar to Bitcoin mining, Litecoin mining has come a very long way. A few years ago, running mining software on a regular PC would net you some Litecoins over time. Granted, it would stress the computer quite a bit, but it could still be profitable with access to cheaper electricity. Ever since Litecoin ASIC miners were introduced, however, that situation has come to change. In fact, there is no reason to mine Litecoin with a regular computer these days.

Windows Store Litecoin Mining App is Unusual

Keeping this in mind, it is unusual to see a Litecoin mining application show up in the Windows 10 store. Litecoin miner, developed by GroupFabric Inc, can be downloaded free of charge. However, there are plenty of reasons to believe this application may not be all that legitimate. It is unclear which pool the software connects to, even though several are officially supported One could argue it is a solo mining solution, although it is possible something more nefarious is going on as well.

It would not be the first time someone successfully distributes mining malware to computer users. Even if the tool is legitimate, which it certainly could be, there is still no reason to use it, though. No one will make any decent amount of money mining Litecoin on a regular computer or laptop. It is simply not profitable to do so. Interestingly enough, this app is also compatible with mobile devices, which makes even less sense.

No one is saying the Litecoin miner app is malicious by any means. It just doesn’t make any sense to have it available in the Windows Store. There is also a Bitcoin mining application in the store right now, which is even less profitable to sue. Mining most cryptocurrencies with a regular computer makes no sense. It will cost you a lot more money than anticipated. Plus, it will degrade your computer hardware rather quickly.

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JP Buntinx
JP Buntinx
JP is a freelance copywriter and SEO writer who is passionate about various topics. The majority of his work focuses on Bitcoin, blockchain, and financial technology. He is contributing to major news sites all over the world, including NewsBTC, The Merkle, Samsung Insights, and TransferGo.

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